Monday, June 29, 2009

Dare to Slack

I work with some of these and I am some of these. They make me LMAO.

Definately me. Why praytell would I work harder than I have to when I can achieve the same result with half effort...

I despise training people. In fact we have a whole training department thats supposed to do that. Idiots make me crazy. Why do I have to tell you shit 3 times??

This one just makes me laugh. So corporate Amerika.

Yeah, and all those stoopid study groups our upper management puts together and ask for the little people to volunteer for so you think your helping to find solutions for the "problems"...

Yup, sorry. true. I might be just a tad bitter.

THIS is why I totally believe in flying "right below" the radar at work.

So I'm feeling a little pessimistic today. Sue Me!!


Gia's Spot said...

Great post! giggled out loud and co-workers looked at me strangely!

Gia's Spot said...

Oh and the new header pic? Looks like Remi is ....recovered?lmao !

Unknown said...

=) Thats an old pic of Remi humpin poor Jakes head. But he does seem better reguardless. Thats the thing with whats wrong with just comes and goes.

oh, and I print these signs out and leave them randomly around the office. lmao!!

SuperBadJack said...

Lol I remember how bad you used to freak at people when they asked you the same thing over and over.

I think that's why we got along, you only ever needed to tell me anything once.

Unknown said...

Dont even make me sound like a bitch! This job is not hard. People are just stoooopid. And Jack I dont "freak" on them, I just dont answer after the 3rd time. I have no patience. And um I had to tell you a couple things twice I'm sure. Just not very often. But I liked you so you got away with it.

SuperBadJack said...

You didn't freak?

You used to call me up whispering how you were going to strangle or otherwise kill one person in particular, the one person, that when we both saw in the hallway you ran to Mark and said "Don't hire *person!*"

Unknown said...

Go away Jack.

Edith Bunker said...

There is something to be said for self employment!