Sunday, May 24, 2009

Trojan this.

FUHK! As i post this from my Iphone a nasty little Trojan horse virus is eating my laptop. At the risk of sounding repetative, FUHK FUHK FUHK!!! I despise being computer virus illiterate. I mean I dont get it, the virus software on my puter is showing the little twit virus in the virus vault and HEALED. Why pray tell is it still fucking with my puter!?! This is the second major virus I've had in 6 months. I wonder if its all those visits to redtube. THATS embarrasing.

I asked my boy Jack for some help but I have a feeling he's a bottle or two of Sailor Jacks rum in allready this holiday weekend.

I give up. Im HP's dream computer illiterate idiot. I'm just gonna go buy a new laptop. FUHK.

EDIT: Update 5/26/09 I fixed it. =) Well sort of. When I got to work today, instead of working I immediately searched the web for ways to kill Trojan horse virus'. I found one and it worked!!! Woot Woot. So I think its fixed. I'm still in "safe mode" and at least I can get online now. I'm gonna beg Jack to take a look for me and fix it right. I do feel accomplished tho! Its amazing what you can find on the web. lol


SuperBadJack said...

It's Sailor JERRYS rum, you should be proud cause I'm supporting Sailors and such (Go Laur!).

Yes, that's my fee. Anyone who's computer needs fixin', you know what to bribe me with.


Try a Mac. No viruses, virtually no crashes, easy to use. I'm on my 4th.....They are heavenly!!

Oh, and I know Ikea's in Ft. Lauderdale. Still have to drive through you-know-where! I lived in Hallandale Beach for many years before we upped and booked out and left the craziness behind. My best friend still lives in Davie, and believe me, it takes some pretty persuasion to get me up there to see her, since she hates to drive herself.

Unknown said...

JACK. Come fix it. Theres a bottle in it for you. Call MEEEE!

Edith Bunker said...

My vote: MAC! I've been using a PC for the last week or so and it's making me curse. out loud, that is.

Unknown said...

The Mac world is so dark and scares me a little. Not sure if they'll let me into their club or not. I'm thinking about it though. I'm so sick of virus'.

SuperBadJack said...

Swear to God you get a mac and i'll tech support-disown you.

Unknown said...

Sure Jack. In the meantime, WHERE THE FUCK IS MY TECH SUPPORT?????