Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I <3 Jake & Remi

These guys are my joy. They make what was a crappy day at work good when I get home.
In my next life I want to come back as a well loved dog.


Edith Bunker said...

I love them.

SuperBadJack said...


Finally you blog, finally!

Unknown said...

I owe it all to you Jacky. How ya been?? Call a bitch once in awhile.

Unknown said...

I love them more than a majority of people I know Mrs. Bunker.

Gia's Spot said...

Love these pics! They make me smile out loud! Why does Jack beret you for finally blogging and he doesnt seem to have a blog???

Unknown said...

Jack has a blog...the link is on my page... Conservative Attack Dog. He's just bustin my chops cause he showed me the world of blogging about 1 1/2 years ago. I've just finally jumped in and didnt tell him...he stumbled upon it. lol