Saturday, February 20, 2010

Street Painting Festival

So this morning like my last post said, I went to a Street Painting Festival up in Lake Worth. Ginger (my sister for those of you that dont know her) invited me to go with her and meet up with a bunch of her friends. And for those of you really in the know, yes she is back down here from Boston. She moved back. It was too flippen cold and she missed me. Its Possible!!! To miss me that is. ;)

So this morning Ginger comes over, she's staying at my parents right now, Next Door, AWESOME! The walk over to my place is all of 25 seconds and she hands me her Fuji camera and said "Here, do you want my Fuji camera since since you are thinking of getting a better camera anyway?" WHAT?!?!?!??! OMG!!! THANK YOU!!! Its perfect and just what I was thinking about getting and it takes awesome pics.

So after much excitement and ooing and aahhhing over my new camera we left around noon and headed northbound on I95 about 20 miles or so. Lake Worth is just south of West Palm Beach and takes about 30 minutes to get to.

Once there we met up with the friends and walked around for a couple hours. The weather was OMG beautiful. Mid 70's and bright sunny skies. It felt delish after a week of cold mornings and barely 60 degrees during the day.

There were a ton of artist there from little kids to high school/college age and budding artist to professionals. They all used chalk and had little sections cordoned off for their work. One lesson learned was that I would go on Sunday next time. They have Saturday thru Sunday to complete the work. So we saw a lot of unfinished work. I may end up riding up there again tomorrow to take a look at the finished pieces. I dunno. Depends on my schedule because I lead such a busy life. NOT.

Heres a few pics I took with the new camera... (click on the pics to see more detail if you want)

a view down one of the streets where the artist where working.

I thought this one was pretty good and one of the few mostly finished ones.

So cute!

A young boy was doing this one...he was maybe 12 years old. Not bad! =)

I'd love to see this one finished.

Some more I personally liked.

So that was my day. Hope your having a great weekend too!! Edith, have fun with those cadavers!!


Gia's Spot said...

Looks like a great time! Is this a regular event? Something I would love to see! Oh and now that Ginger is back there guess that nicks you coming down for a hike!!

Linnnn said...

Yet another reason to wear kneepads! These artists are tough and talented!

meleah rebeccah said...

Getting a NEW camera RULES, especially when its FREE. These photos are AWESOME!!

"The weather was OMG beautiful. Mid 70's and bright sunny skies."

I am seething with Jealousy!


Angelia Sims said...

Wow!! Friggin' cool!!! I would love to see one of these.

Unknown said...

Yes Gia, its an annual event. In the post before this is a link to the website that puts it on. I think you should plan to be here next year for it. =) And no, I've got no plans to go to Boston now. =( Ging is mad I never made it up there to see her.

Yes Linnn so true. Those knee pads are handy little suckers.

I wont tell you how today was Maleah. lol DONT read my next post whatever you do!!

I bet if you do a search Ange you'll find one in TX near you.... ;)