The last month or so the weather has been crap. Rain, cold (and I mean COLD - 40's and some 30's at night) and not always so sunny days. So yesterday and today were a welcome, welcome relief. I need the sun. I love the sun. I love the warmth.
Today was a pool day. NO, I didnt go in the pool, its too cold. The water temp according to the thermometer was 62 degrees. Brrrrrrr. You wont catch me frolicking in the water unless its upper 80's. Minimum. I prefer low 90's. But the boys went in. Alot. They also ran around like nutcases for about 4 hours. And I got pics. With my new camera. =)
Jake is such a happy boy.

If there is a ball in the pool, it is Remi's sworn duty to retrieve it.

Wet Dog. (he looks very much like his daddy in this pic)

Wet dogs on my chair. YES I got funky tan lines because of these two.

Jake loves his Aunty Ginger. No, really. Jake doesnt give kisses to hardly anyone. He'll give Aunt Ginger a bath. Weird. I think he's got a crush on her. He actually was leaning back into her in this pic.

Thats George, my neighbor. Funny guy. Love him like a brother. Anyway, the boys are swimming together in this pic but more importantly this pic shows you all how close I live to my parents. The pool is behind my parents house (the one you see to the right). My house is that one you see right there in the center of the pic behind George. Yup, just a few feet away. Many bonus' to this arrangement. Built in babysitters for the boys. Pool. And amazing dinners like the one I was invited to tonight. Home made roast chicken, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, soft rolls and chocolate/chocolate cake for dessert. mmmmmmmmm.

Here's the boys playing. He who has the ball wins.
And this is why Jake is passed out snoring in the chair right now.
All in all a great day. Just how I like it. Totally chill. =)
One very happy fun family. As for living near your parents, man I think that's a great idea many should consider, as long as the parents are the normal kind.
Your boys are cute.
Great. My forecast calls for MORE SNOW. Can I come stay with you for a week? PLEASE!!
Dear Peedee,
Wow, this is all fantastic to read!
Nice to know the sun comes out! We are having cold spit right now. My cats would never jump in a pool, but they love to slide around and roll in the (dry) bathtub.
More fun coming,
Ann T.
Thanks for visiting Souldose. My parents are very normal. We all (the kids) like them...still. lol
Come Meleah, anytime.
Ann, I had a cat the would do the same thing. And when he was done in the tub he would hang from my shower curtain. He was a nutcase but a good cat. His name was Larry. I kinda miss him and I bet he would give Jake and Remi a run for their money. lol
I had to get ugly about the shower curtain--so they climb my bath robe instead. I have sweet cats but for sure, that run for the money thing.
I miss dogs and whoa, what a good time!
Ann T.
Dont tempt me! I will take you up on that offer!
Tempt. Tempt. Tempt.
That looks like one FINE day, there! I think the closest I got to my parents was about three miles away, when I had a house off Watt Avenue right after my divorce (ahem -- first wife).
From that house I ended up moving about 70 miles away in another county entirely.
Love your parents whilst ye may. Time zips by so quickly.
Ya know BZ, this morning I wanted to throw my father in the lake he's so frustrating sometimes. But I still get ya, I appreciate him and my mother being around.
And so close. ;)
LOVE LOVE LOVE the new camera!! The boys look GREAT!!! The videos..AWE!
I love them. I am so nuts about labs. They are the coolest dogs!
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