Saturday, February 13, 2010

Owl City

Its a Fireflies kinda day.


Edith Bunker said...

Thank you! I have this on my iPod and it is now my daughter's favorite, now The Boy will like it too because he can see that there is a train in the video. Sure way to win him over.

Unknown said...

Funny thing is (and cross my heart hope to die truth)I thought of The Boy the first time I saw the video months ago. Weird that I think of your kids when hearing certain new stuff.

Jen said...

I am fascinated by this song and video. I know I will get sick of it sooner than later but right now I can't get enough of it.

Angelia Sims said...

I have never seen this before. Ahh! Loved it. Speak and spell was my favorite and I lovelovelove the globe. What a cool video. Loved the song already.

Happy Valentines Day my friend!

Ann T. said...

Dear Peedee,
Happy Valentine's Day! It is a great song and I would never have found it on the video.

Ann T.

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Actually, that was a nice song and a very clever video!


Unknown said...

Yeah Jen, I've been listening to this song for months so I overplayed it long ago. I was just in the mood for it yesterday for some reason.

Ange its got a catchy tune and like BZ said the video is different.

Glad you liked Ann =). I aim to please!

BZ I have a strange feeling we dont listen to a lot of the same music. lol. I love it all though. Including the new stuff. Lauren feeds me all the new hip stuff and we have a lot of the same taste in music as well.

Im glad you liked it. Its a happy song.