I just try to be a good worker bee, kinda like Crash. Just doin my thing. Dont fuck with my system bitches, it just messes me up. 3 1/2 years I been doin this and I got this. No, really I do. It aint that hard.

Micro management will be the death of me. It just makes me find ways to mess with the system. And fuck around all day....

My superiors are the usual suspects...

Dear peedee,
Wrestlers doing the nasty on your cubicle wall, and you're just calling it werk??? My gracious!
Or is that my dirrrrr-ty mind?
Ann T.
Yes that would be wrestlers vs bobafet doing the nasty. Silent whistles were sounding everywhere!
Boredum reigns supreme.
Blab away, no really, please . . .
I have two jade plants with a plastic T rex and a brontosaurus in them. The cats ate the hands off my T-rex so the affect is somewhat spoiled at close range.
Gotta get out more, that's for sure, maybe get a Gameboy, uh-huh.
Ann T.
Thats just a small taste of the toys and insanity around my desk... if I couldnt laugh at work, I would really go insane.
I heard he said he was raped but refused to file any charges and mess up his manly image.
(but maybe he liked it)
HAHAHA! You have NO idea how bad I needed that laugh. :-D~~~~
I got me the real life eye candy, as you astutely observed. It is improving my work area significantly.
Thanks for nudging me back to life!
Sorry 'bout you Cowboys, now you're freed up to cheer for Indy, right?
Dear Mrs. Bunker,
Please check the Emporium for cultural artifacts, desk-sized. Peedee needs a plastic statue of Michaelangelo's David and some Barbie clothes sent to her ASAP.
This pop culture crap's gotta go. Time to bring in the Renaissance heavyweights and undermine them in the name of Neo-Post-Modern Art.
Peedee, this is Art History 101XXX, and you could become famous and have gallery showings and stuff.
Ann T.
Dear gawd lady (and I use that term loosely (he he loose)), that was fucking hilarious... but...
What the fuck did you do to Boba Fett?
You and Allie raping my childhood.
lol, you all crack me up. Meps, Boba joined the Dark Side...
A cubicle?
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