He went to the keys with Josh and I back in October...

He plays a mean game of Scrabble too.

He swam in the pool, played with Remi and went to Bingo with us....

And then I did something every finger puppet mother should do. I let him see the world. Ginger took him back to Boston with her and he went on some travels with her.
Beaker in Boston

Gingers friend thinks he is Beakers long lost daddy. They do show a slight resemblence to one another...

And then Ginger and Beaker were off on their big trip....with a stop in Chicago before boarding their flight to the other side of the big pond. They should've stopped in to see Edith of Mrs Bunkers Chainsaw Emporium, but not much time inbetween flights.

Beaker in PRAGUE with a local!!!

Havin a beer in the Biergarten in Dresden....

Poor Beaker drank too much!

And listening to the heavenly voices sing Ava Maria in a really old church in Vienna..

I cant remember what this place is called but I think its in Vienna..(look for Beaker dead center)

Beaker finally came home in late December. I put him straight to work, and caught him on Facebook at work!!! Shame!

And he had a fabulous Christmas with his family. =)

Thanks for indulging me!
What a great post!! Let Beaker know if he's in my area, I can "show him the sights" lol
Thanks Gia! And sure, next time he goes up that way with Ginger I'll have him give you a ring!!
When Lauren starts flying I'm gonna mail him to her so she can get pics of him on the base and flying with her!
That is one sporting little dude!!! Too funny!
I got one thing to say today, "GO COWBOYS!!"
He is a funny little dude isnt he!?!
Yeah, COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG. I can't believe I missed him! Beaker in Chicago!
AND for the first time in recorded history I'm cheering for Dallas, even though traditionally everything about them is annoying.
This exiting development has arisen because I HATE Michael Vick. Even though I used to be somewhat of an Eagle's fan, the fact that they hired him and gave him a stupid award suddenly makes me want to see them get crushed. So, go Cowboy's. That hurts.
=) you make me smile Edith.
I love the Beaker Chronicles!
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