For those that dont know already, Lauren and I have been to Disney over 100 times. Geeky? Maybe. Do I care?? No. Neither does Lauren.
I'm gonna stroll down memory lane. And its a lonnnnnng memmory lane. Your welcome to come with or come back when the next post is up.
Well I just figured it was 8/08 cause the dates are on the pics. duh.
When we first got to Disney we dropped our bags in our room at the hotel on property, jumped on the monorail and went to the California Grill at the top of the Contemporary Hotel. We love having dinner up there and its one of our favorite spots to gaze at "The World". The pic in my header is taken from up there along the outside catwalk as are these below. This is what you see when you get out of the elevator. It takes my breath away EVERY TIME.
After dinner we hit the Magic Kingdom.
Hugged some characters
and watched some fireworks
and rode some rides (yeah I know its Aladdin. Shut up! We dont descriminate, we love 'em all!)
The next morning we got up at the ass crack of dawn and went to Animal Kingdom park.
Expedition Everest - love it!
Saw some aminals. check out this bat, you can see the family jewels. lmao. (click on pic to make bigger and you'll see)
And this tiger is sticking his tongue at you.
After we left that park we went to Typhoon Lagoon. Love that park at night!!
Once again the next morning we're up early to get to MGM Studios park. I cant remember what they call it now but it'll always be MGM Studios to us. Now, we need to get there first because we have to run our asses to the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, get a fastpass then run over to Aerosmiths Rockin Roller Coaster and be the FIRST ones on that ride. We have to do this so we can then run all the way across the park at 8:00am in 95 degree heat to be FIRST in LINE to see this.
YES thats the Power Rangers but more importantly than seeing this awe inspiring entrance is to be first in line to meet a Ranger. Not for the Blue Ranger, noooo, not the Pink Ranger but the oh so coveted RED RANGER.
I was sweaty, exhausted already and it was worth it. For this pic.
Yeah, I have a (at the time 20 y/o) kid who still loves the Power Rangers. Hey whatever. I just like to see her smile and I'll do anything to make that happen. =)
Then we rode every ride in the park at least 10 times. Because thats what we do.
A great new ride that opened since the previous time we were there is A Toy Story. Effin Awesome!!!
I cant remember what we did that night. Probably passed out after running the parks for 3 days. And to think we only had 7 more days to go.
The next day was an explore the hotels on Disney property day. We love doing this. We pool hop and eat at the different restaurants and basically try to find new things that we've never seen before. We also rented some speed boats and wreaked havoc around Bay Lake.
I want to live here. The Wilderness Lodge.
The Kingdom
Speed racer aka: get yelled at for makin wakes in the marina racer.
I got tired of carrying my camera around so I left it back at the hotel for a couple of days. Eventually we ended up at Epcot. And our favorite place to eat there is the Biergarten.
And we ate breakfast at the Whispering Canyon Cafe one day and explored the Wilderness Lodge.
Please note our waiter had eyes that looked everywhere...
I really do want to live here.
Yeah she's 20 years old here. At Disney we are all 12 years old. I swear, it must be something in the air.
And please note the bracelets on her wrist. They are "extra magic hours" bracelets. Thats when they leave one park open realllllllly late for guest staying on property and its a different park every night. These are the reason I was physically exhausted by day 7. Up at the ass crack of dawn and not in bed until 1, 2 or 3am. Then right back at it the next day.
Ok, Hurricane whateverhernameis was fully upon us by this time. This is around 8:30 in the Magic Kingdom one morning. In a way it was awesome because the parks were really empty for a few days.
We always do the character breakfast at the Crystal Palace in Magic Kingdom because thats where Tigger is. And Tigger rocks.
On Space Mountain...
My favorite pic of the Castle.
Its our last night on a rainy Mainstreet USA. They basically have to throw us out. We both know deep down we wont be here together again for a long time. Neither of us says it.
Ugh, its been too long.
If you stayed this long you really are a glutton for punishment. Thats almost as bad as watching someones home videos of their family vacation.
Awww (sniff sniff) that was sweet and I stayed for the whole thing! She's gonna do awesome and come home your very own Red Ranger!! Superpowers and all! muuaahh thanks for sharing!
Dear peedee,
This is so ace that's she's revved! And that's a wonderful trip log.
Everything's just gonna be great. And now I know what's in store the next time she's back in town!
Hang in, best mama evah, no lie,
Ann T.
So when the testing gets rough and Lauren is under psy-ops duress, she will have her "happy place" to go to...Brilliant idea to do Disney right before her SERE training. You are an inspired Mom!
Thanks guys and ur right Linnnn, I talked to her for a brief second this morning and told her to remember our laughs at Disney when it gets bad. She laughed and said she was already planning on that.
They are leaving for their 5 mile hike up the side of the mountain with 40lb backpacks and snowshoes in about an hour. weeeeeeeeeee, just like Disney!!
Oh yeah!! I love Disney! Last time I was there we only made it to Universal. And WE had a Hurricane blow through too which WAS GREAT. No lines. I loved it.
I would love to go back. What memories. Great pics. I loved every moment.
Rooting for you Lauren. You get em'! Show em' what you mamma made you out of. :-)
I remember that Hurricane!! Fay?? We were defiantly there at the same time.
Ain't nothin' like goin' ta Dizzylan' and seein' the Memorial Marty Feldman Waiter and Bat Nuts!
Bat nuts fab! lmao!! Thanks BZ I needed that.
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