I was a paramedic while she was young, until she was about 9 years old I guess. My mom watched her while I was on shift so I never had to deal with daycare or babysitters. I finally did give it up though due to some medical reasons. But while I was working in the field, the hours afforded us some great quality time together. I worked 24 on/48 off with a kelly day. So in essence I only worked 2 or 3 days a week.
We never went thru the terrible two's. She was incredibly flexible and very laid back. We did everything together. If my sister or friends and I wanted to do something, we took her with us. She went to concerts, movies, parties, everywhere.
I'm not saying I was careless and strapped her to the bar next to me, but we got innovative. On Friday nights, a great Irish bar in downtown Ft. Lauderdale had "family" night. But then again, aren't all bars in Ireland "family" bars anyway?? They were a bar with a restaurant. We'd go in for dinner and then the Irish band would come on and sing these great Irish songs. After awhile they saw Lauren singing along to the songs and before we knew it she was a guest singer on stage for certain songs. She was around 5 at the time and it was so cute! Dont worry, I had her home in bed by 10pm.
Now the perfect child wasnt always perfect. She had a few flaws lol. I dont know if its a flaw, but I had a kid who didnt know how to lose. She was and still is, the most competative kid I've ever met. She hates to lose. I decided to put her in team sports to "teach" her how to lose. She played soccer and softball for most of her childhood. Progressed from town leagues to travel leagues. Good times for sure. I'm not sure she learned how to lose, but I'm sure it kept her from getting in trouble when she got older. She had NO time to get in trouble. lol. I also found something else out by putting her in sports...she was a ringer!! No matter what sport she played, she rocked it and was typically one of the better players. She is just a very athletic kid I guess.
1995 - Her very first soccer team...The Rugrats!!

After a day in the ocean. (not our dog!)

See!...she was meant to go in the Navy!

more, more, more 2morrow
Wow, 21! I can't imagine, but it sounds like you did a wonderful job with her and that's really all we can ask for, right? Congratulations!
What are you doing on the big day?? will she be home? She looks like a great kid. I couln't have done it if I had a baby when I was that young, but it looks like you did all the right stuff.
I was supposed to go to Pensacola to spend her birthday with her but I cant now. I dont have any time off from work because of being in the hospital last week and I had to pay a 300.00 in network deductable.
Its sad, I really wanted to be there and I'm in severe withdrawels. She was a trooper when I told her I couldnt come up. Her typical self telling me not to cry, she'll be alright and maybe I could come up next month to see her.
I'm not sure how I did it. I do know I had tons of help and support from my family. Every last one of them from my brothers and sisters to my parents.
It wasnt so hard. A lot of great times and only a couple of rough times. But thats life. We took one day at a time.
Umm where do my comments keep going??????????? this is the third one gone missing!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not eating them....I swear!!
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