I watched The Guardian again this afternoon for the umpteenth million time. Love Love Love that movie. I must say, I thought Lauren would go rescue swimmer but she has this fear of non-fixed wing...aka: helicopters so um not so much on the rescue swimmer thingy.
Back to the Guardian. I love me some Ashton Kutcher. I know he's like 13 years younger than me and all but fuhk. Whats not to love?? He's young, got a great body and he plays fucked up jokes on his friends. I'll forgive his one shortcoming... Democrat. I dont really need his mind, just his body for an hour.
What I'd give to be in Demi's shoes for a hott minute.

OK. toss him my way when you're done.
Hahaahhha Edith, good one! Kinda funny, that movie is on right now,,,, as I struggle to keep my head from hitting the console, they are screaming over the ocean, heading to some storm tossed vessel... Like it, but something about Ashton's mouth bothers me.. (like I would kick him out of bed over THAT??) Cant wait to see him after he gets his "man body" !!
Hahaha, I am still more of an Johnny Depp girlie myself, old school I know, but who can forget 21 Jumpstreet! Haha.
Oh I love me some Johnny D as well!! But I heard he's big on that au-naturale body smell. Yuck. Must have picked that up from the stoopid french neighbors he's got nowadays.
Nothing really wrong with 13 years younger...heeheee!
Hey Sisu! The only younger man I was ever with gave me my daughter...not a bad thing, but I prefer 10 years older. I'd make the exception for a go at Ashton tho. ;)
You know, I'm reading my comment and thinking, my god, thats personal shit right there. lmao.
Don't worry peedee, I work labor and delivery...personal went out the window loooooonnnngg ago! My late hubby was 9 years older and, much as I loved him, my last bf was 13 years younger and well...da-yum! Specifically, YUM!
Yum is goooooooooood!
Schmoe is shocked. And appalled.
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