Beaker beaches it.

And much to my amazement........BEEFCAKE ALERTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sitting there enjoying my Figi water and rice puffs and a god walks by. I've seen this guy down there before. He is a Hott Mess. His name is Santiago and O.M.G. My sister bumped into him at the grocery store one day and thats how we know his name. I call him Aussie Bum boy cause he wears that brand bathing suit. And I'm not much into banana hangers, but my goodness, he wears it well!!
I give you Aussie Bum boy!


I got a picture of his butt, but I cant get it to download. pffft.
I was totally stalking with my IPhone. And I'd do it again. =D
Now that's what I'm talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mmmhmm. DAY-UM! I stayed at the beach an extra 1 1/2 hours today. Just to drool over that.
Worth the burn!
ooh la la. Excellent example of surreptitious photography!
Unfortunatly....probably. =\
Why is it the gay guys stay hot looking and the straight guys get the paunch and lots of hair??? So unfair! (oh wait its cause the gay guys are more like us and CARE WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE!!) ;{
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