Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Twofer Tuesday

I heard this song in a movie I watched over the weekend. Repo Man, eh it was ok. A little gross but some serious eye candy graced the screen. I'm just letting you all know that Jude Law is my husband. He just doesn't know it yet. ;)

Enjoy some super sexy music, old school style. This is some hot shit.

Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by you know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Nina Simone - Feelin Good

Then we watched SALT. My good god. I'm going to be forced to kick my husband Jude to the curb and marry Angelina Jolie. Jeeeeeezus effin Christmas!
Angelina Jolie is my wife, I once again just haven't told her yet.

Felix da Housecat - Sinnerman Remix ft. Nina Simone

The last couple of days have run the gamet of emotions. Although I may whine on here about those emotions via post, I wouldn't change a thing. The feelings; good, bad, hot, bored, scared all make me feel alive. Thats a good thing. ;)


Ann T. said...

Dear peedee,
Oh, I love Nina. Love her all the time.

And I really love the second video too. That's an eyeful, and with Nina echoing through, it's even more.

Thank you!

nitebyrd said...

Dontcha think Angelina is too high maintenance?

Unknown said...

Nina is a new found love for me Annie! Better late than never I guess! muahs

nitebyrd....Absolutely NOT. I'd jump the fence in a heartbeat. I'm not stayin for long, I'll be back before she gets to be a pain in the ass. ;) xoxoxo

Linda Medrano said...

If Angelina leaves Brad, she's going to be my wife, Peedee. Yeah, it's like that!

vixen kitten said...

I had no idea the sunshine state allowed polygamy. None.

Hmmmmph. Ya learn something new every day.

Personally, I think this happy, honey dripping down your butt crack feeling is because you saw the sign yesterday. The great big blue sky just opened up and made cloud porn for ya.

Well...that or you were spending way too much time near the jets in the swimming pool again. :) Dunno.

Another morning you have me laughing. Thank you!


meleah rebeccah said...

I *heart* Nina Simoneso very much and Feelin Good is such a GREAT SONG!

PS; Congrats on your wedding!

Unknown said...

I'll fightcha for her Linda! ;) xoxo

LMAO VK. Laughter is my specialty. ;) xoxo

lol why thanks Meleah!!

Beryl said...

You always make me smile, mama.

Catch me up via email soon...xox

Anonymous said...

Ok, we need to share Angelina Jolie. I'm ok with just a little time with her. ;)

Tracie said...

I hate not being able to sleep but your blog post made me smile.

Love Nina - and that song!

peedee - I put your cloud pic up on my facebook page and asked my peeps what they say. EVERYONE loved your pic!!! But someone said they saw a duck?!? Told her to look again...