The State Of is a local band down here in SoFla, comprised of two girls named Steph and Nebadi. They are pretty amazing. I saw them live a month or so ago at a local festival and I thought they were very good. Lauren and Ginger are the ones who kept telling me I needed to see them.
Lauren realy likes them a lot and was supposed to go to Dallas and see them this past spring but they cancelled at the last minute. They tour the country quite a bit for most of the year but are back home here for the summer writing and doing some local gigs. Then last week while Lauren was home we went to a show at this cool little restaurant up in Delray.
Click on this link: The Line by the State Of and you'll be taken to their Myspace page so you can hear the song I want you to hear. You don't have to have a Myspace account to go and listen to the song. Once there, look on the right side of the page and you'll see a music player. Click on the second song called "THE LINE".
Listen to Stephs voice and tell me if I'm wrong/crazy/delusional for thinking she's good. Very good. You only need to hear the first 45 seconds of the song to make your decision. BET. Go ahead...I'll wait for you and come back when your done...I want to show you some more pics!
And tell me what you think of them. Really, I want to know. ;)
Remember I told you I saw them at the festival............well these guys somewhat know Ginger, and Lauren has met them before too. We have some mutual friends in common as well. Anyway, this is what they did for Lauren because she missed the festival where I saw them.

This is from a week ago this past Friday when we all saw them.

This made Lauren happy. =)

And here are a couple of pics of the place we saw them at. Its called DaDa's and its a house thats been converted into a restaurant. It is a happening coffee house after 2am from what I hear too.

Nice Mailbox. lol

Yessssssss! A tire swing!!

I have more pics from the week Lauren was home (when I was coherant). I've got a few more stories and the party pics too.
Glad they appreciate her and were willing to do that! :-)
Dear peedee,
First, that picture of Jake asleep is priceless! I laughed out loud.
Second, Great Music! There's just something about a band good enough to go mainstream but still personal. It's like the most fun moment to follow them.
The house reminds me of a place that used to be open in my college town. I used to go there to hear Lyle Lovett before he hit the big time. It had a porch swing, not a tire swing. And it was great.
Nothing keeps you down, peedee. I swear. I am always so proud to know you. You put the A in adventure. And at the same time, still working for the good society.
Muah, and keep getting well,
Ann T.
I didnt listen but they look good!!!
They are good girls NFO. Nice local kids trying to make it to the bigtime. ;)
lol I know Annie, I took that last night about 2am. He was over laying on the floor and waiting for me to go to bed. He decided he was taking up 3 quarters of the couch. lol
They are good arent they!! I think she has the voice for a professional cd. ;)
and thanks! I cant stop moving! lol I was down for 4 days before we went out for this night. I was due to do something fun!!
You wouldnt like them Sage. Nothing country about them! lol ;)
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