Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


Red Shoes said...

My greatest fear is that he isn't finished spending...

I am more worried about our country under this Democratic 'regime' than I've ever been about it under a Republican one... and I'm an Independent...


middle child said...

Shit! I said you could post what I SAID, not my picture too!!!

Angelia Sims said...

LOL. You should see the bumper sticker I took a pic of when I was driving to Jason's one day. I'll have to find it and email you. LOL!

USA_Admiral said...

That says it all.

Ann T. said...

Dear peedee,
Can't go there. . . kids with middle fingers sticking out . . .

Ann T.

Unknown said...

Oh he's not done Shoes. Of this I'm sure.

lol MC, sorry!

Send it Ange!

mmmhm Admiral.

Really Annie?? Tell me your joking.

Momma Fargo said...

OMG! On the other hand, that pick looks a little creepy. At first I thought is was about a creeptastic movie or something...but then I saw it was about real life. MWAHHHAHA! Happy Wednesday.

Kimberly said...

Either way - I'll have to work until I am no longer cute.

Ann T. said...

Dear peedee,
Only partly . . . it's not the sentiment, I'm scared to death of our deficit.

Just the hostile look on the devil child's face!

Have a great day!
Ann T.

Unknown said...

Its creepy either way Momma!

I hear that Kimberly, me too! And I started at a deficit! lol

She is kinda evil Annie, and I thought you meant something else. lol