Sisu over at Verbal Incontinence has a post up requesting signatures on a petition. This is for one of our fallen hero's. This was Sisu's friend.
An A-10 Pilot, Capt. Patrick Brian Olson who gave his life during Operation Desert Storm in Feb 1991. Why a petition has to be done to name a bridge after one of our hero's is beyond me. But if thats what it takes then damnit, lets do it.
Honestly, it takes 15 seconds to sign this petition. Please do it. Then link it, post about it on your blog and post it on your Facebook.
When I just signed the petition there were 500+ signatures. There should be 50,000 signatures on it. If we work together and move this, it will happen.
Here is the direct link to the petition page: CLICK HERE
And if you're thinking of leaving without clicking on the page.......what if I were asking you to do this for my Lauren?? My sailor. You'd do it wouldn't you. Well this is another mothers little boy. Do it for him. Do it for her. Please. I dont beg often, but for him I will.
you know I got ur 6.
Thanks Sage! You rock Cowboy! muahs!
Greater love hath no man, than to lay down his life for his friends. Jn 15:13
Dear peedee,
I went to the site. it seems to be for citizens of that county? I am looking into it.
Ann T.
I think anyone can sign it Ann. But if you find differently let me know.
going to try signing right now!
ty Meleah. <3
Damn... it's only up to 534.
Up to 545.
Will do, Honey. And thanks for posting this.
Tks NFO, CJ and Linda. <3 ya's!
Thank you very much sir!!
got you covered.
Excellent B! TY!
Peedee, if we ever meet in person, I'm gonna give you the biggest smooch! Patrick was one of the best people you could ever meet. There was an article from 2004 about military members going back to Iraq after Desert Storm. Patrick's aircrew from Desert Storm were interviewed and they talked about how hard it was to lose Patrick, how he was always helping out and looking out for them. Thinking about him makes me cry 20 years later...and I hate that shit! Thanks again.
And Ann T., you don't have to be resident of Beaufort Co. to sign it; there are a lot of us who no longer are residents, not to mention good people like all of you who have signed because they believe it should be done. Thanks, everyone!
No prob Sisu! He deserves it. His family deserves it.
Muahs!! Please let us know if you hear any updates on the progress!!
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