This past weekend was a recovery weekend. The previous weekend was spent partying like a rockstar with my sister and her friends. Man, it takes forever to detox at my age! lol And I needed to save myself for Lauren and her buddies this coming weekend. We have big plans and I know it will involve partying in the OKC and Dallas.
Anyway, the boys and I hung around the pool for most of the weekend and I just so happened to have my camera and a goal. I took the camera into the pool (gasp!) with me because I wanted to get the boys jumping in. Kind of a challenge because I had to click the shot, then turn my back on the ensuing splash. lol I got a few good ones of Jake, but I just couldnt capture Remi in a good one. Then I got bored with it. lol
Bunches of puppie pool pics. And this last one is for Capt. Schmoe. I know its not a plane but it does fly!! I just thought it was cool how close the blimp got that day. We could see the guide ropes hanging down.
I leave ass-early on Friday morning so not sure if I'll get on again. Maybe/maybe not. If I dont, please have a safe and happy 4th of July!! Remember why we celebrate it while ur bbq'ing and having a beer!
First things first....Its TwoFer Tuesday Bitches!!! Did you really think I'd forget that?? Please. Hell no!!
Its a TBS type of week. I need loud, hard music and these guys satisfy the need. Taking Back Sunday - Your So Last Summer
And my fave song of theirs. Taking Back Sunday - Cute Without the E.
And updates...
1. Dont worry about jinxing anything. It imploded. I mean the cute, nice guy thing. And I'm ok with it. Recently seperated with two teenagers doesnt work for me. Figure out what you want buddy. I don't need another friend with benefits. Just sayin.
2. I finally busted my ass on the rollerblades. Well not my ass exactly or my knees. I was cruising along at a fair clip, ie: fast!! Didnt pay attention for a split second and hit a rock. FUCKER. My right rollerblade immediately stopped, my left rollerblade tried to save me and it was not to be. What is in motion, stays in motion. After the left rollerblade realized I was doomed, the right decided to help and in the process pulled its hamstring from midthigh right up into the big ass butt. Once the right leg wasnt working anymore the mind kicked in because it realized our body was in the middle of A1A in late rush hour traffic. So said body launched about 3 feet into the air attempting to reach the bike lane again and landed with all the body's weight on outstretched arms and destroyed the right shoulder on impact. Thank you to all the hot dudes in the BMW's who stopped and rolled down your window asking my buddy, "Is she ok?". Dudes, a little mouth to mouth might have helped. Once again, Just Sayin. I'm not even telling the details of the injuries until I know for sure. Just know its bad enough that I didnt play softball tonight. And anyone that knows me, KNOWS I dont miss softball unless I'm physically not able to participate.
3. Temporarily back to walking for excercise. I need my right arm to rollerblade. And when the right arm will NOT leave the side of your body, rollerblading is not an option. I flippen hate walking now. But I refuse to get fat again. Walk I will.
You really should watch this video. Sage over at Welcome to Sageville posted it the other day.
It really is some powerful stuff. A real person, just like you and me, giving the real deal on whats going on with the Government, BP and the worst oil spill ever in existance of humankind.
This time next Friday I'll be hangin with the Sailor in the OKC!!!
I called her today and she was all bummed about not being able to come home next weekend for the long holiday. She sounded so pitifull. lol I hate it when she's sad!! She just brought her first car last week so she's financially challenged right now.
So, Mommy doing what Mommy does best brought a plane ticket to go see her from Friday morning until Tuesday morning! She is sooooooo excited that I'm coming out to see where she "works". She's gonna show me the whole base, her planes, where she trains and the whole shabang. I told her to let the single pilots know I'm on my way and she just laughed. lol
We are going to Dallas for a couple of days too. Gonna hit up Six Flags for some much needed roller coaster fun and then tear up the Dallas scene for a day. Then we'll head back to OKC and do some stuff there. She wants to take me to the Memorial from the OKC Bombing. She said I need to see that. She's so cute and is busy planning away now. I love to make that kid smile and I could feel it through the phone once I called her back and told her I was coming. =)
AND.......She's gonna take me to see the Cowboys new stadium!!! OMG!! I'm so excited to finally see where my Boys play!!
So who knows Dallas?? What are the best places to go?? Where can we get a great steak?? Where are the fun bars?? Is there a district or someplace fun to go?? Tell me what you know!!
On a hot summers night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses? Me neither, well, maybe. ;) Love me some Meatloaf!
If the zombie apocalypse ever happens, I'm just going to surround the compound with outward facing treadmills. We should be fine. And I totally plan on being ANYWHERE BUT THE RED in this little pie chart.
Also have some really cool pics I've taken with my OLD iPhone. I say OLD because I am getting the NEW one July 14th!! Woooooooot Woooooooooot!!
Clouds and rainbows
purdy flowers And the ginormous Mango tree in my backyard is getting ready to shit 50bagillion mangos anyday now. Come and Get 'Em!!!
And I leave you with Santa Claus.......IN THE SUMMERTIME! Ewwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Have a great weekend all!! p.s. I'm down 45lbs, and the muffin top is all but gone!! Wooot!
Fiona Apple has one of the most soulful voices I've ever heard. When she sings it's sexy, sultry and her music is hott! Watch her video's though....she comes across an an angry, skinny, white chick. lol Just two of my favorites.
I'd actually put this song in my all time top 20. Fiona Apple - Shadowboxer
You know that song you hear the for the very first time and fall in love?? The one you have to hear again and can't rest until you get home to find it online??
Mmmhm. This is one of those. I fell in love from the first note. Its on constant replay on my iPod right now.
Rihanna's part is what got me. Yeah, I know Eminem is in it rappin but I dig Eminem too.
Eminem Ft. Rihanna - Love the Way You Lie
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn Thats allright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry Thats allright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie I love the way you lie
I got my tickets for the Lilith Fair in West Palm Beach on August 10th. Soooo excited. I love me some Sarah McLachlan and cant wait to see her live again. If you've never seen it. She is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. in concert. I promise you.
The Lilith Fair is returning in 2010. It was founded by Sarah and is the only tour of its kind - a celebration of women in music featuring artists like Sheryl Crow, Christina Aguilera, Erykah Badu, The Dixie Chicks, Missy Elliot and sooooo many more. Our linup keeps getting better. They announced Rihanna for our show yesterday. Weeeeeeee!
It starts at 1:30 and goes on late into the night. YAY!! There are about 30 of us going so far. =)
Sarah McLachlan - Adia
I saw this tour. Un-effing-real.
So thats it. Hope you all have a great weekend. =)
oh! Things are going well with the new sqeeze. Its still new so I dont want to jinx it. I'll give details when I'm sure or at least think I'm sure it'll last more than two weeks. ;)
I'm still waiting for the world to implode though. lol
I actually met someone tonight. A man who's normal and good looking and did I say normal?? A date of sorts. Afterwards he asked if he could call me tomorrow. And I think he might actually do it. Unreal.
We're about due aren't we. Let the apocalypse begin.
Per Wikipedia: In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened that day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777. More Here.
I know a bunch of kids/Sailors in the Navy because of Lauren and one of them, Kristin is still in C school training up at TSC - Great Lakes.
I saw this on her FB page and told her how awesome it was. She said: Thank You. It looks great. 4 weeks of lots of practice for it!!!! They even had recruits there. It will be in the Army/Navy game this coming year celebrating 100 years of Naval Station Great Lakes. I know some news stations were also here today.
This is what they did today. Human Flag. I think its beautiful. =)
For no other reason than I'm in the mood for MJB tonight.
Mary J. Blige - Be Without You
I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you (Oh, oh, oh, oh) I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you (Oh, oh, oh, oh) Oooo (oh, oh, oh, oh) oooo
Chemistry was crazy from the get-go Neither one of us knew why We didn't build nothing overnight Cuz a love like this takes some time People swore it off as a phase Said we can't see that Now from top to bottom They see that we did that (yes) It's so true that (yes) We've been through it (yes) We got real sh** (yes) See baby we been...
Too strong for too long (and I can't be without you baby) And I'll be waiting up until you get home (cuz I can't sleep without you baby) Anybody who's ever loved, ya know just what I feel Too hard to fake it, nothing can replace it Call the radio if you just can't be without your baby
I got a question for ya See I already know the answer But still I wanna ask you Would you lie? (no) Make me cry? (no) Do somethin' behind my back and then try to cover it up? Well, neither would I, baby My love is only your love (yes) I'll be faithful (yes) I'm for real (yes) And with us you'll always know the deal We've been...
Too strong for too long (and I can't be without you baby) And I'll be waiting up until you get home (cuz I can't sleep without you baby) Anybody who's ever loved, ya know just what I feel Too hard to fake it, nothing can replace it Call the radio if you just can't be without your baby
See this is real talk I'm always stay (no matter what) Good or bad (thick and thin) Right or wrong (all day everyday) Now if you're down on love or don't believe This ain't for you (no, this ain't for you) And if you got it deep in your heart And deep down you know that it's true (come on, come on, come on) Well, let me see you put your hands up (hands up) Fellas tell your lady she's the one (fellas tell your lady she's the one, oh) Put your hands up (hands up) Ladies let him know he's got your love Look him right in his eyes and tell him We've been...
Too strong for too long (and I can't be without you baby) And I'll be waiting up until you get home (cuz I can't sleep without you baby) Anybody who's ever loved, ya know just what I feel Too hard to fake it, nothing can replace it Call the radio if you just can't be without your baby
And I cant post MJB without posting - I'm Goin Down.
Time on my hands Since you been away boy I ain't got no plans No no no no And the sound of the rain Against my windowpane Is slowly, is slowly drivin' me insane, boy
MJB & U2 - One
Did you watch the season opener of True Blood tonight???
The boys, errr I mean men in the audience may not appreciate or "get" this post quite as much as the women will.
A couple of days ago my sister, Ginger gave me a pair of jeans. She said, "I think these might fit you now, try them out". So I took them and they sat in my room for a couple of days. I didnt look at them or check them out at all. Afterall, Ginger is in shape and has a kickass body. She and my kid Lauren share most clothes. I was left out of that fun because of my fat ass blubber body.
This morning I was feelin a little brave when I got out of the shower and thought about the jeans. We all look in the mirror and see how things stand. At least I do and now more than ever. I've seen the transformation happening and thought to myself, today might be the day. I looked over to where the jeans were laying on my trunk. They were in the exact same spot where they landed when I threw them there the other day. I had a momentary thought, "No Way" would I fit in Gingers jeans and almost lost my nerve. I didnt want to try them on to find they didnt fit and get bummed out. Then I thought, "fuck it, lets try them on for shits and giggles to see how much more I had to go before they'd fit". I would treat them like a goal of sorts.
I didnt hold them up, didnt look at the brand and certainly didnt look at the size. I just went for it. I put one leg in the pants and then the other. The true test was yet to come....would they slide up and over my hips. Low and behold they did!!!!! And not only that they actually buttoned with little to no effort. WTF?????? These must be Gingers fat jeans. I went over to the full length mirror and just stood there looking. I damn near cried.
They looked good! I had on jeans that hugged my hips, ass and thighs and they looked GOOD!
Still in disbelief I decided to push my luck and check out the size. I took them off and noticed the brand first....Lucky Brand Jeans. Wow, I cant wear Lucky Brand because they dont fit me! The size tag was next.....huh??? What the hell?? They have to be mislabeled. Fucking 32's??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! I cant wear a 32 inch waist!!
I was wearing a 32 inch waist pant today and looking good. I got compliment after compliment at work. Not that I havent had people saying I'm looking good and they can see a difference lately. But I'm still wearing all my old shorts and they are 4 x's bigger and baggy now.
Today I looked good in jeans in the first time in a long time.
When Ginger got home tonight she flipped out when she saw me. She made me come to her place and try on a bunch of other jeans and shorts she had. I got into American Eagle Womens 12's tonight!!
Even though the contest is over at work I still weigh in on the scale at there to keep it consistent. I only weigh myself once a week on Fridays. Almost 3lbs more gone as of today. =) Thats 40lbs total so far if you've been paying attention. lol It makes me a little giddy!
My goal has changed. I was trying to lose 12 more lbs, but I think its going to be 20lbs instead. Its the weight I was before I was preggers with Lauren. I think thats what its going to take to look totally in shape.
It feels so good to be getting my body back. I like it.
Summer softball league started this week and I didnt just make it on one team.....not two.....but three teams!! My goodness I'm beat. Played 3 nights this week and sore is not a strong enough word. But it feels good.
I knew I was playing on Tuesday nights with a non corporate team that a couple of us put together. Its a pretty competative team and we are good. We are talking probably (hopefully) championship good. And my company team is Wednesday nights. I just got called this afternoon to play on another corporate team (Thursdays).
Good stuff and all three teams are good with decent players. That makes me happy 'cause I'm just a little competative. =)
I've also brought a pair of K2 Roller Blades and started doing that instead of walking. 3 months of walking has gotten B.O.R.I.N.G. I havent bladed in over 5 years but apparently its like riding a bike.
When Lauren was around 11 or 12 y/o her and a bunch of neighborhood kids would play roller hocky in the cul-de-sac EVERY afternoon. Another mom and I would play with them. Thats how I learned to skate and I was pretty good. But one of the things learning to skate by playing hockey does is make you dependant on the stick for balance. I have to skate with a hockey stick or I'm not comfortable. Needless to say, I brought a stick when I picked up my blades last week. These are the K2 blades I got. Aren't they purdy????? Saturday morning my boss and I met up O'effin bright and early (7:30AM!) and went for a nice 10 mile jaunt. First time out and nothing like going so far I want to puke by the time we were done. We had planned on skating the beach but made the mistake of meeting and parking on the WEST side of the Los Olas bridge. The beach is on the EAST side of said bridge. UGH!
Roller blades + not having skated in 5 years + big ass bridge = OMG, PLEASE DONT LET ME FALL AND BUST MY ASS IN FRONT OF A MILLION PEOPLE. I did it. lol I was not falling no matter what. Falling hurts!
So thats what I'm doing 4 nights a week. And yes, I even do it on nights I play softball. I go every other night, so if a game falls on a skating night, so be it! I skate to Beach Place and back to my house x's 2 so thats 10 miles for sure. Or I just go from my house to the beach and north for a bit. Either way its good stuff! I missed roller blading and its a good workout! And I'm getting really good at going over the bridge!!
As of last Friday I'm down a total of 37lbs. I'm hoping another 2 - 3lbs when I weigh myself tomorrow. I slacked off for about two weeks right around the time Lauren was in town because I wasnt losing weight and got frustrated. So I decided to just take a break and believe it or not it worked. I actually lost a little weight the weeks I didnt do a whole lot. I still didnt eat that much, but I didn't excercise like I had been. I really think the walking is what was making a huge difference. Anyway, I'm back on track and blading my ass off!
Have a great weekend All!!!!
P.S. Gia and I met and had lunch yesterday down at the Beach!! Then we came back to the compound and she got to meet Jake and Remi!! We hung out by the pool for a bit chit-chatting while the boys swam. I then gave her directions to get to the highway and she was off to spend some time with her daughter and grandkids. It was so cool to hang with her. Love me some Gia!!!
You all know your welcome to stop by or message me if you're ever in Fort Lauderdale. We can meet up and have a bite or a drink and chat about everything! Thats what Gia and I did!!
This post is chock full o' information. Your getting it all at once because as usual my time managment skills suck monkey bawls.
I dont have enough fingers and toes to count the times I could sing the song in the following video in a day. From the assclowns who try to run me over on the road on the way to work, to the IDIOT FLIPPING DOCTORS WHO WONT SIGN THE FUCKING CONTRACT ALREADY. Your current package is $220,000.00. I found your dream job in the city you wanted AND I negotiated full benefits for you AND your family, $10,000.00 CME & Vacation pay, $46,000.00 CASH in your pocket to replace the 401k money you dont get the first year, thereafter they'll put that amount in your 401K, $100,000.00 sign on/relocation bonus and $150.00 per hour (up from $130.00). You will work 12 days a month. $346,000.00 PACKAGE A YEAR YOU ASSHOLE. WHAT IS THERE TO THINK ABOUT???
Lets not forget the dipshits. YEAH, I'M TALKING TO YOU DIPSHIT in line in front of me at every store I go to. Have your G.D. CREDIT CARD READY. You know your gonna pay for your shit with it, why must you rummage through your fake Coach feed bag of a purse for your wallet and then make a 5 minute affair of deciding WHICH CARD to use AFTER the 16 items you're buying in the "10 Items or Less" lane are rung up and bagged already????
Just know I want to kill you all some days. Or at least maime you. Instead I sing quietly to myself. I sing This.
See, I feel better already. =)
And for you working people who couldn't lounge around the house and wait for Lady GaGa's new video to premiere at 12 NOON today......I will give you the the video. Because I'm nice like that. =) Watch it. Even if you dont want to. Its very interesting. I think she's got a little Dominatrix side to her. I also heard she forbids her dancers to have sex while on tour. Yeah, she's a Dom. ;) I liked the song when it first came out. A lot. I kinda like the video too.
Lady GaGa - Alejandro.
I Want the NEW iPhone4, Sooooooo Badly!!! YES LINNN, I Covet it. lol. AND I'm due for an upgrade to my 3G. I've had mine for a year and a half. =) I'm getting a new iPhone!!!!! YAYAYAYAYYAYAY!!! I've been patiently waiting and now I shall be rewarded. Oh the joy of all the new things it can do!!! Click HERE to see the awesomeness. And for you Glee fans, here's some Jane Lynch. She really does make me Laugh My Ass Off!! The Leaked iPhone4 Ad
Ok, I think thats enough for now. But oh wait!!!! Most importantly, Tomorrow Gia from, A Gia's Life is flying into Fort Laudy and we are meeting for lunch!!! YAYAYAYAYYAYAY!!! Then she's gonna meet THE BOYS!!! I'm so excited!!
Drunk Drivers and Stupid Drivers are one in the same.
Early this morning two Miami-Dade Police Sgts were plowed down by a drunk stupid woman who decided she could drink and drive (although not proven in a court of law yet). She didnt kill them. Lucky. But, I just heard on the news one of the officers, Sgt. Laurenceau who is 35 years old may be paralyzed. Stupid stupid stupid.
Police Officers Hit By Drunken Driver Officers Hospitalized In Serious Condition
POSTED: Saturday, June 5, 2010 UPDATED: 6:24 pm EDT June 5, 2010 MIAMI -- Two Miami police sergeants were hospitalized Saturday after being hit by an impaired driver. The Miami Police Department said Sgt. Robert Laurenceau and Sgt. Orlando Villaverde were conducting a search for a robbery suspect just before 3 a.m. when they were hit. The two were standing near a police perimeter at Northwest 17th Avenue and Northwest 41st Street when the Ford Taurus headed toward them. Police said that's when the driver struck the officers and then crashed into the police cruiser they were standing next to. Both officers were taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital. Laurenceau, 35, suffered head injuries, possible broken bones, and spinal cord injuries and had to undergo surgery. Villaverde, 45, suffered several broken ribs and a broken clavicle. They were last listed in serious but stable condition. The driver of the car, Mary Lindsay, was arrested and charged with two counts of driving under the influence.
I don't understand drunk driving. Especially nowadays. There is so much literature and examples out there about how it doesnt end well on a daily basis. If you dont kill yourself or someone else its a minimum of $10,000.00 and countless hours of court, comunity service and counseling just to get your license back. Not to mention your insurance is fucked up insane high for a few years.
I have been out partying and there has been a few times I've gotten schnockered AND STILL knew well enough NOT to DRIVE. Maybe its the fact that as a 21 year old I should have died.
23 years ago this month I was at the after party of a wedding and made a bad decision. I was drunk. Very drunk. You know that drunk you get by drinking steady all afternoon into the evening at the open bar at the reception?? Then going to the after party and drinking tons of beer while losing at Chandelier Quarters?? Yeah, the kind of drunk that causes you to go puke all the beer up so you can go back to play and drink more?? Yeah, that drunk. But I still remember everything.
I made the bad decision to get in the car with 3 other drunks (yes the driver was one of them) and go get more beer. Maybe it was the chance for a ride in a Porche 911 Turbo that made me, maybe it was stupidity gone amuck.
We made it to the bar alive and in one piece without killing anyone and picked up a case of beer. I remember being amazed when we put the beer in the trunk that it was in the front(!) of the car and the engine was in the rear. Alls well so far! On our way back the driver took Spring Street. Why is beyond me because we were going in the wrong direction from the party. Hind sight tells me he was going to show off a bit. This road was a residential street, posted at 30mph and curvy as shit. Really bad idea.
I was in the back seat behind the passenger. I was annoyed because I wanted to ride in the front seat but the dude that went with us was 300+lbs and there was NO way he was fitting in the back seat of this car. Shit, I barely fit back there and I was normal sized then.
Once he made that turn onto the street he proceeded to red line 1st, 2nd AND almost 3rd gear on his way to the estimated 120 mph we were going when he couldn't navigate the curve and we hit and snapped the first telephone pole on our way to the second. I remember looking out the front windshield as we were ready to hit that first pole and saying "Oh Shit!" and tucking my head. Even though I know my eyes were closed I saw the light and sparks from the transformer hitting the ground. I heard it too. The explosion of 3 M80's inside your head prolly describes it pretty well. Its a good thing we went thru that pole as the transformer landing on the roof could of done some serious injury to the body.
We proceeded to go thru a fire hydrant and two signs before we hit and cracked the second telephone pole. It was the second pole hit that caused me to hit my head which knocked me out. Mercifully. I missed the jaws of life, extrication and seeing a lot of people I knew. I was not on the first aid squad at the time, but I was friends with a lot of them in my town and the surrounding towns.
We all should have died that night. Who lives thru a crash at 100mph much less 120mph?? C'mon. Stupid. The fact that we were drunk probably saved our lives. Stupid dumb luck.
Prior to that accident had I drank and drove?? Sure. But never more than a beer, early in the night on my designated driving night. My friends and I always had designated drivers. Our policy was to draw straws, highest or lowest card or any number of games and the sucker who got DD, GOT IT. None of my friends were with me at that wedding or party that night. The accident solidified for me that ANY drinking and driving are a big no no.
So have I been stupid?? Yes. I told Lauren this story when she turned 16 and was getting ready to get her drivers license. I showed her this pic. Tried to make her understand how stupid I was and how one bad decision should have killed me. I got lucky. That was in June of 1987. I got pregnant with Lauren 4 months later. To think of all that might not have been had I not been so lucky.
Too much fun is had when the kid is in town. Way too much. Makes the parting that much harder it seems.
We started Friday afternoon and didnt stop until late Monday afternoon when she left for the airport. 3 days went by in the blink of an eye.
Friday afternoon the family and some close friends went to Rosie's. A local bar/restaurant that we love to hang at. Just a small group as it was early afternoon before everyone got out of work......My parents, Ginger (sister), Steven (brother), Lauren and myself and 3 other friends just sat around had a few beverages and lots of laughs. As usual. My two favorite silly gooses. Crazy 'rents that hang like champs at the bar. Saturday was spent shopping and spending stoooooopid amounts of money on the party that was happening the next day. Saturday night we all (including my parents) went out to another favorite bar to see a friend play a set or two. She's an awesome musician and a good time was had by all.
Sunday dawned sunny, blue sky'd and hot. Perfect for a pool party. We invited over 250 people. Of that amount about 30 or so we new where out of state friends that wouldnt make it. So out of the 220 viable invites, we estimate that throughout the day close to 100 people made it to the party. It was awesome!!
Here are some of the pics from the party.
Ginger and Steven (my younger sister and oldest brother)
Lauren with some good friends from high school
Yes, we had a shooting range set up in my backyard. Just a bb gun and some cans propped up, but everyone eventually made their way over and tried it! Thats Laurens best friend from college shooting, also named Lauren. We call her little Lauren. Good kid thats thinking of going OCS with the Marines.
Lauren and her pappy hangin out.
Lauren schooled Josh when it came to shooting. In fact she schooled most everyone there. =)
There be some people in that pool.
OK, see that older gentleman and gentlewoman in the center of the picture?? They would be our neighbors. I invite them to every party we have and they never show up. Well, they finally did come!! They are in their late 80's. Sooo cute!! Lauren and I were talking with them and come to find out he was a Lt. in the Navy. He was a pilot and then an instructor!! Lauren was definately into hearing what he did. She talked to him for a good bit and they talked about what he flew and what she did. He was in for a few years and got out in 1942. So he missed the war. Im not sure what he flew, but I want to say he said, Bi-planes. That just doesnt sound right though. I'll have to ask him next time I see him outside exactly what he flew again.
That would be the empty lot across the looked like a parking lot at one point!! silly goose
A Girl Named Chuck came out and played a couple of sets for us. She loves the Lauren and would do anything for her!!
She makes me smile. =D
Lauren with some more old friends enjoying the show
Chuck was awesome. We have video from the party. If I get unlazy, I'll post some one day. ;)
On Monday, a few of us hung out at the pool just enjoying our last few hours with the sailor. More beverages, more pool and more food. lol This would be Lauren and little Lauren. Yes, still kids. That is their pool fort.
And they'll shoot you if you get to close. =)
My sister and her girlfriend each have two chihuahua's. We call it the Chihuahua farm when they're around. That would be Lola (Jakes & Remi's cousin) in the back looking like...WTF??
Lauren lovin on her Jake.
By Monday afternoon, these two were done. They spent Tuesday and Wednesday here. Wiped out.