Thank you to all the Veterans out there, past, present and future. I do appreciate you and will never forget what you sacrificed to keep me and mine safe.
We are the Greatest Nation in the World and it wouldn't be that way without each and every one of you.
Thank You.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
107 and Amazing
My sister posted this on FaceBook and I have to say, it made my day. I've watched it twice and it was hands-down, The Best 24 minutes of my day. Maybe of my week so far. I may watch it again.
Take 12 minutes to watch this documentary trailer. Alice Herz-Sommer is an amazing woman with an outlook on life that is oh so inspiring. She is all that is good about the human race.
This is the Official Trailer for a new documentary short about the oldest Holocaust survivor in the world Alice Herz-Sommer.
Just Wow.
Take 12 minutes to watch this documentary trailer. Alice Herz-Sommer is an amazing woman with an outlook on life that is oh so inspiring. She is all that is good about the human race.
This is the Official Trailer for a new documentary short about the oldest Holocaust survivor in the world Alice Herz-Sommer.
Happy Birthday Alice, may you live another 107 beautiful years.
"Music is God" ~ Alice Herz-Sommer
Just Wow.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I Did
Did YOU???
Even though I live in a Very Democratic County in Florida where my vote probably doesn't matter, I VOTED anyway. I cancelled out ONE of those Democratic votes and that makes me very Happy.And it seems like a lot of people in my shoes are feeling the same way. Hopefully we will come out on top.
Thank goodness. This is the CHANGE I want.
Monday, November 1, 2010
By a Foot
This new cruise ship left Denmark the other day. Nothing newsworthy about that. Its the fact that the ship just barely cleared the bridge that kinda blows me away. It was a leap of faith it seems.
This is pretty insane.
Royal Caribbean's Allure of the Seas passed under Denmark's Storebaelt Bridge with about a foot to spare, drawing applause from people on board the ship.Here is the whole article.
To make that happen, the crew lowered the ship's retractable twin smokestacks, carefully adjusted the ballast so the ship wouldn't be too light (and therefore sitting too high in the water) and boosted its speed.
This is pretty insane.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Blown Away
My laptop has a nasty virus right now (again). I don't really care, hence the reason I haven't spent much time trying to get rid of it. I will work on it I guess once I get un-busy or bored enough with TV. Not that I'm watching a lot of TV. The nights I work out I'm beat. Lucky to make it past 9pm before I'm passed out, either on the couch or in my bed.
I've been working out with the Personal Trainer on Mondays and Wednesdays and I'm back to rollerblading 3-4 nights a week again with my boss.
We are back on the road, A1A specifically, dodging county buses and asshole tourist drivers from NY/NJ. We are back up to 10 miles roundtrip and bumping that up quickly. I've also got us down to about a 5m30sec mile. Almost where we need to be at a 5m mile.
We skated from April thru June and didn't get beeped at once. I've been beeped at 10 times if not more in the last week. Assholes. We aren't skating any differently than we were before. We're in the bike lane when there is one and on the sidewalk (if available) when there is not bike lane. If there is no bike lane we are allowed on the very far right side of the lane. AND you have to give us 3 feet of space if this is the case you fuhkers!!
Anyway, in case you haven't been watching the news.....I'm coming to blow you away. And just for the record, I'm a record breaker.
The last time my name was on the list for a storm I think that year it only got to the O's or my storm never made it past tropical depression. I dunno. I forget.
Ok, so thats it. Because of the virus on my laptop, I can't get online at home. Well, I can use my phone, but I have very little patience for the internet on my phone. So I'm posting this from work. Which is a big no-no these days. Nothing new here, just breaking the rules as usual. =)
So thats how that goes.
Peace out peeps. I do miss you all. ;)
I've been working out with the Personal Trainer on Mondays and Wednesdays and I'm back to rollerblading 3-4 nights a week again with my boss.
We are back on the road, A1A specifically, dodging county buses and asshole tourist drivers from NY/NJ. We are back up to 10 miles roundtrip and bumping that up quickly. I've also got us down to about a 5m30sec mile. Almost where we need to be at a 5m mile.
We skated from April thru June and didn't get beeped at once. I've been beeped at 10 times if not more in the last week. Assholes. We aren't skating any differently than we were before. We're in the bike lane when there is one and on the sidewalk (if available) when there is not bike lane. If there is no bike lane we are allowed on the very far right side of the lane. AND you have to give us 3 feet of space if this is the case you fuhkers!!
Anyway, in case you haven't been watching the news.....I'm coming to blow you away. And just for the record, I'm a record breaker.
Did you know Paula may have set a record already? Check out the Phil Factor Blog.
The last time my name was on the list for a storm I think that year it only got to the O's or my storm never made it past tropical depression. I dunno. I forget.
Ok, so thats it. Because of the virus on my laptop, I can't get online at home. Well, I can use my phone, but I have very little patience for the internet on my phone. So I'm posting this from work. Which is a big no-no these days. Nothing new here, just breaking the rules as usual. =)
So thats how that goes.
Peace out peeps. I do miss you all. ;)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Stoopid Stomach & other updates
I got sick again this week. My stomach or large intestine more exactly don't like me for some reason and choose to get infected every so often. It happened last summer and I talked about it here.
It started a week and a half ago when I ended up in the ER overnight with those massive pains again. Got some pain meds and an IV of antibiotics and I left. Against the docs will. He wanted to keep me but I wasnt having it. I got sick again less than a week later. Therefore, I did a couple of days in the hospital with IV antibiotics and some not so fun test by the GI Doc. Lets just say I'm not a virgin anymore.....anywhere. stoopid.
So alls well. I have something or other and all will be ok as long as I take prevacid and some other drug on a daily basis. I dont care, as long as that pain never comes back again. I'll take the meds.
Other updates:
I've hit a milestone in the weight loss. -50lbs as of today. I started with a personal trainer earlier this week and just a few more lbs to go. Its really just toning at this point. I must admit, I'm happy with the changes. My confidence (in some areas) is up and my outlook on life is 1,000% improved. Work is good, boring but good. Now if I could just find someone to love me, all would be well.
I think.
My shoulder is healing well. I have full range of motion passively (when the therapist moves it) and almost a full range when moving it myself. I've started using weights to strengthen it. Should be throwing a ball, not hard, by December according to the doc. He's impressed with my progress.
I got some cool pics over the last couple of weeks so I thought I'd share. Click on any of the pics to enlarge them.
There were tons of seagulls. And I mean tons!! Kinda scary!! lol
They remind me of the Angels in one of my favorite movies, City of Angels. The Angels go and watch the sunrise and sunset everyday.
And this was a few days ago. I haven't touched this photo. Its exactly how it was taken.
On FIRE!!!
Yes, more seagulls. I liked these two.
And now that I look at them....I wonder....are these seagulls?? I dunno.
Thats it. Have a good weekend all. I promise, pinky swear to get around to everyones blogs this weekend. I have been a slacker.
It started a week and a half ago when I ended up in the ER overnight with those massive pains again. Got some pain meds and an IV of antibiotics and I left. Against the docs will. He wanted to keep me but I wasnt having it. I got sick again less than a week later. Therefore, I did a couple of days in the hospital with IV antibiotics and some not so fun test by the GI Doc. Lets just say I'm not a virgin anymore.....anywhere. stoopid.
So alls well. I have something or other and all will be ok as long as I take prevacid and some other drug on a daily basis. I dont care, as long as that pain never comes back again. I'll take the meds.
Other updates:
I've hit a milestone in the weight loss. -50lbs as of today. I started with a personal trainer earlier this week and just a few more lbs to go. Its really just toning at this point. I must admit, I'm happy with the changes. My confidence (in some areas) is up and my outlook on life is 1,000% improved. Work is good, boring but good. Now if I could just find someone to love me, all would be well.
I think.
My shoulder is healing well. I have full range of motion passively (when the therapist moves it) and almost a full range when moving it myself. I've started using weights to strengthen it. Should be throwing a ball, not hard, by December according to the doc. He's impressed with my progress.
I got some cool pics over the last couple of weeks so I thought I'd share. Click on any of the pics to enlarge them.
There were tons of seagulls. And I mean tons!! Kinda scary!! lol
They remind me of the Angels in one of my favorite movies, City of Angels. The Angels go and watch the sunrise and sunset everyday.
And this was a few days ago. I haven't touched this photo. Its exactly how it was taken.
On FIRE!!!
Cute lifeguard was frolicking in the surf. ;)
Yes, more seagulls. I liked these two.
And now that I look at them....I wonder....are these seagulls?? I dunno.
Thats it. Have a good weekend all. I promise, pinky swear to get around to everyones blogs this weekend. I have been a slacker.
Monday, September 27, 2010
The Safety Zone
86,400 Seconds in a day.
Confusion reigns supreme at least 27 seconds.
Absolute certainty the other 86,373 seconds.
God, I hope I do. Sooner than later.
"I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision." ~Maya Angelou
Confusion reigns supreme at least 27 seconds.
Absolute certainty the other 86,373 seconds.
Three little birds, sat on my window.
And they told me I don't need to worry.
Summer came like cinnamon
So sweet,
Little girls double-dutch on the concrete.
Maybe sometimes, we've got it wrong, but it's alright
The more things seem to change, the more they stay the same
Oh, don't you hesitate.
Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.
You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.
Blue as the sky, sunburnt and lonely,
Sipping tea in a bar by the roadside,
(just relax, just relax)
Don't you let those other boys fool you,
Got to love that afro hair do.
Maybe sometimes, we feel afraid, but it's alright
The more you stay the same, the more they seem to change.
Don't you think it's strange?
Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.
You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.
'Twas more than I could take, pity for pity's sake
Some nights kept me awake, I thought that I was stronger
When you gonna realise, that you don't even have to try any longer?
Do what you want to.
Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.
Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.
Oh, you're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.
God, I hope I do. Sooner than later.
"I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision." ~Maya Angelou
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Remington Kanga.Roo
I searched for Remi long before he was born. Research, phone calls and viewed a million websites. I'd get the bug every couple of years. Do the research and then decide that it would be crazy with my and Laurens schedule. Travel softball is brutal between the practice everynight to tournaments all weekend long. This went on almost every week of the year. It wouldn't be fair to a pup. I'd also think about how a puppy is sooooooo much work. Potty training, chewing, screaming crying at night. All night. ugh.
Let me start at the beginning. Jake and I moved from my parents house in August of 2007 to the East side of town. I was in my glory being within 5 minutes of the beach vs the 25 minutes where we used to live. Finally after 12 years of living near the best schools for Lauren I could live where I wanted.
Lauren left for college up in Palm Beach and Jake and I settled into our new life. Alone. No one around to bother us. My parents actually picked up and moved to Georgia. It was awesome. And then I lost my mind. I wanted a puppy.
I blamed Jake a little as I tried to justify in my mind that he was all alone now. When we had lived with my parents while Lauren was in high school he had my mother for company all day. Now he was all alone all day. I'd leave the house at 7:30am and not return home until 6:00pm. I felt bad. He needed company, a playmate, a brother. A puppy.
Like I said previously I started research long before so I had a good idea of where to find my new black lab puppy. It was just a matter of finding one of the chosen breeders that was having a litter.
Within two weeks I found him. Its kinda like once you take the plunge, there is no turning back. I found him and he was going to be mine. Plans were made to drive up to Ocala in two weeks when he would be old enough and pick him up.
Lauren came home from college that weekend to make the trip with me. We left early that saturday morning and made the 5 hour drive. I was giddy. Remington was coming home to mamma!
We arrived at the breeders house and it was all I could do to contain myself. My first look at him was when Susan (the breeder) walked out of her house up on a little hill toweling dry a squirming little black ball of fluff. I couldnt see him right away. An occasional leg would escape and then an ear. As she got closer she re-adjusted him and out popped a beautiful black head.
She walked closer yet, introduced herself and handed my baby boy to me. He was my first dog that was mine and mine alone. As a kid our dogs belonged to everyone in the family. Remi was mine. I took him from her and cradled him like a baby. He didn't move a muscle as he focused his eyes on mine. I was smiling and talking soft to him and telling him I loved him to death already. Its stupid I know, but I love animals. Dogs are number one to me. And he was sooo beautiful I started to cry. I burried my face in the fur around his neck and he smelled so good. He stayed still, still not knowing who I was. A stranger holding him and getting too close too soon.
We spent a good hour there getting paperwork done, meeting Remi's momma and his littermates. When it was time to go I did get sad for his momma. She was not overly concerned about him leaving. She sniffed him and went back to fighting off 12 other puppies that were still looking for milk even though they were on solid food. I gave her a pat on the head and a kiss on the nose. I told her not to worry and that he would be loved like my own child and live in a carefree worry, never to want for anything.
The drive home was long. He started out in the back seat of our SUV, then began crying so Lauren grabbed him and he rode the rest of the way home curled up in a ball on her lap or stretched out on her chest. I just couldnt look at him enough. He was beautiful.
His name; Remington, was picked out long ago. I've always wanted a black lab and wanted to name him Remington and call him Remi. I had my Remi. My bestest friend who would love me best.
He is my baby and does love me to a fault. lol I like to joke that he should just climb in my butt. It'd be easier than him running into the back of my legs constantly when I stop moving. He follows me everywhere. He sleeps on my head and he lays by my side everynight on the couch while I play online. I am in love. Still. Even though he is the Devils Spawn. Still. I love him.
Oh, he got his middle name because he was the highest jumping puppy I ever saw. Lauren said he reminded her of Roo. Roo was Kanga's baby kangaroo in the Winnie the Pooh series. It kinda stuck. So he's Remington Kanga-Roo. I call him Remi-roo all the time. Or just Roo sometimes. No matter, he comes running. =)
Well, today is my baby boys 3rd birthday. He's got a few problems, like a seizure disorder, but we have that figured out with the meds. He never got as big as he should have be and thats prolly because of the seizure disorder. But he's perfect to me just the way he is.
We meet...
Can I sit here?
I Love You Remi!! Happy Birthday! Frosty Paws for you and Jake tomorrow. Muahs!
Let me start at the beginning. Jake and I moved from my parents house in August of 2007 to the East side of town. I was in my glory being within 5 minutes of the beach vs the 25 minutes where we used to live. Finally after 12 years of living near the best schools for Lauren I could live where I wanted.
Lauren left for college up in Palm Beach and Jake and I settled into our new life. Alone. No one around to bother us. My parents actually picked up and moved to Georgia. It was awesome. And then I lost my mind. I wanted a puppy.
I blamed Jake a little as I tried to justify in my mind that he was all alone now. When we had lived with my parents while Lauren was in high school he had my mother for company all day. Now he was all alone all day. I'd leave the house at 7:30am and not return home until 6:00pm. I felt bad. He needed company, a playmate, a brother. A puppy.
Like I said previously I started research long before so I had a good idea of where to find my new black lab puppy. It was just a matter of finding one of the chosen breeders that was having a litter.
Within two weeks I found him. Its kinda like once you take the plunge, there is no turning back. I found him and he was going to be mine. Plans were made to drive up to Ocala in two weeks when he would be old enough and pick him up.
Lauren came home from college that weekend to make the trip with me. We left early that saturday morning and made the 5 hour drive. I was giddy. Remington was coming home to mamma!
We arrived at the breeders house and it was all I could do to contain myself. My first look at him was when Susan (the breeder) walked out of her house up on a little hill toweling dry a squirming little black ball of fluff. I couldnt see him right away. An occasional leg would escape and then an ear. As she got closer she re-adjusted him and out popped a beautiful black head.
She walked closer yet, introduced herself and handed my baby boy to me. He was my first dog that was mine and mine alone. As a kid our dogs belonged to everyone in the family. Remi was mine. I took him from her and cradled him like a baby. He didn't move a muscle as he focused his eyes on mine. I was smiling and talking soft to him and telling him I loved him to death already. Its stupid I know, but I love animals. Dogs are number one to me. And he was sooo beautiful I started to cry. I burried my face in the fur around his neck and he smelled so good. He stayed still, still not knowing who I was. A stranger holding him and getting too close too soon.
We spent a good hour there getting paperwork done, meeting Remi's momma and his littermates. When it was time to go I did get sad for his momma. She was not overly concerned about him leaving. She sniffed him and went back to fighting off 12 other puppies that were still looking for milk even though they were on solid food. I gave her a pat on the head and a kiss on the nose. I told her not to worry and that he would be loved like my own child and live in a carefree worry, never to want for anything.
The drive home was long. He started out in the back seat of our SUV, then began crying so Lauren grabbed him and he rode the rest of the way home curled up in a ball on her lap or stretched out on her chest. I just couldnt look at him enough. He was beautiful.
His name; Remington, was picked out long ago. I've always wanted a black lab and wanted to name him Remington and call him Remi. I had my Remi. My bestest friend who would love me best.
He is my baby and does love me to a fault. lol I like to joke that he should just climb in my butt. It'd be easier than him running into the back of my legs constantly when I stop moving. He follows me everywhere. He sleeps on my head and he lays by my side everynight on the couch while I play online. I am in love. Still. Even though he is the Devils Spawn. Still. I love him.
Oh, he got his middle name because he was the highest jumping puppy I ever saw. Lauren said he reminded her of Roo. Roo was Kanga's baby kangaroo in the Winnie the Pooh series. It kinda stuck. So he's Remington Kanga-Roo. I call him Remi-roo all the time. Or just Roo sometimes. No matter, he comes running. =)
Well, today is my baby boys 3rd birthday. He's got a few problems, like a seizure disorder, but we have that figured out with the meds. He never got as big as he should have be and thats prolly because of the seizure disorder. But he's perfect to me just the way he is.
We meet...
Can I sit here?
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We Meet |
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We're so lucky to have found each other! |
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He LOVES the pool! |
They have been playing together ever since... |
I'm sorry Jake. Thank goodness he at least figured out which end after awhile. lol |
Remi has and still is infatuated with his toys. Rarely do you see him without one in his mouth. |
Our MySpace pic. ;) |
He loves him some Lauren |
He thought he was a cat for a longggg time. He's gotten over this. Thank goodness! |
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He loves his brother probably more than me. |
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This past summer. My handsome boy!! |
I Love You Remi!! Happy Birthday! Frosty Paws for you and Jake tomorrow. Muahs!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Slacker Am I
I got nothing people. Its been a crazy week. I'm not sleeping due to some errrrr...I'm just not sleeping. Enough. 2-3 hours is not enough.
Anyway, I'll catch up this weekend.
Sick song I found. Sick Sick Sick.
Get Far ft H Boogie - The Radio (DJ Ross and Alessandro Viale Remix)
Anyway, I'll catch up this weekend.
Sick song I found. Sick Sick Sick.
Get Far ft H Boogie - The Radio (DJ Ross and Alessandro Viale Remix)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Twofer Tuesday
The Yeah Yeah Yeah's are off the beaten path. But phenominal.
I much prefer the remixed version of this song to the "regular" one.
Yeah Yeah Yeah's - Heads Will Roll
Heres a link to the video version of this song. Or the "regular version" if you will.
Another group off the beaten path is Florence & The Machine. Ginger introduced me to them about 3 months ago. I instantly fell in love with the lead singers quirky voice. They are the best thing to come out of Australia since INXS. IMO. You'll like this song I bet. ;) I'm gonna post the video from YouTube and also a link to the performance from the MTV VMA's the other night after the video. AMAZING performance that you should also watch. Simply Amazing.
EDIT: I think Florence is from England. =/ I'm trying to get clarification.
Florence & The Machine - Dog Days Are Over
Here is the MTV VMA performance. No lip syncing here people. Just plain talent.
Florence and the Machine - Dog Days Are Over (Live)
I much prefer the remixed version of this song to the "regular" one.
Yeah Yeah Yeah's - Heads Will Roll
Heres a link to the video version of this song. Or the "regular version" if you will.
Another group off the beaten path is Florence & The Machine. Ginger introduced me to them about 3 months ago. I instantly fell in love with the lead singers quirky voice. They are the best thing to come out of Australia since INXS. IMO. You'll like this song I bet. ;) I'm gonna post the video from YouTube and also a link to the performance from the MTV VMA's the other night after the video. AMAZING performance that you should also watch. Simply Amazing.
EDIT: I think Florence is from England. =/ I'm trying to get clarification.
Florence & The Machine - Dog Days Are Over
Here is the MTV VMA performance. No lip syncing here people. Just plain talent.
Florence and the Machine - Dog Days Are Over (Live)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Other Peoples Money
~The problem with socialism is that sooner
or later you run out of other peoples money.~
I wanna see this when it comes out.
"Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem."
~ Ronald Reagan
"We could say they spend like drunken sailors, but that would be unfair to drunken sailors because the sailors are spending their own money."
~ Ronald Reagan
Don't Wanna Talk About It
I was in love with this song about 7 or so years ago. Hell, I still am (everytime I hear it again).
Stroke 9 - Little Black Backpack
Stroke 9 - Little Black Backpack
Don't wanna talk about it
I say why not?
Don't wanna think about it
I say there's got to be some good reason
For your little black backpack
Up, smack, turnaround he's on his back
Don't wanna tango with you
I'd rather tangle with him
I think I'm gonna bash his head in
And this shouldn't concern you except that
Just don't expect to get your bloody black backpack back
I say why not?
Don't wanna think about it
I say there's got to be some good reason
For your little black backpack
Up, smack, turnaround he's on his back
Don't wanna tango with you
I'd rather tangle with him
I think I'm gonna bash his head in
And this shouldn't concern you except that
Just don't expect to get your bloody black backpack back
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Nine Years Later
I haven't forgotten and I never will.
I also still believe that freedom isn't free. Maybe now more than ever.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Twofer Tuesday - late version
Sue me. I've been slammed at work and I'm blading everyother night again. Last night being one of those nights.
Your Twofer Tuesday/Early Wednesday morning version involves the month of September.
This song makes me happy. And I listen to it all year long, not just in September. =)
And this video is wayyyyyyyy groooooooovy. lol
Earth Wind & Fire - September
This song not only makes me happy, it makes me wanna dance too. ;) I'm going to a T-dance this Sunday afternoon at Voodoo Lounge. I cant wait because I need to get mah boogie on with my gay boys. =)
At the 2:25 - 3:25 mark it goes off into a bad ass break. I'll definatley be requesting the DJ play this one for me.
She's easy on the eyes guys....take a gander.
September - Cry For You
Your Twofer Tuesday/Early Wednesday morning version involves the month of September.
This song makes me happy. And I listen to it all year long, not just in September. =)
And this video is wayyyyyyyy groooooooovy. lol
Earth Wind & Fire - September
This song not only makes me happy, it makes me wanna dance too. ;) I'm going to a T-dance this Sunday afternoon at Voodoo Lounge. I cant wait because I need to get mah boogie on with my gay boys. =)
At the 2:25 - 3:25 mark it goes off into a bad ass break. I'll definatley be requesting the DJ play this one for me.
She's easy on the eyes guys....take a gander.
September - Cry For You
Sunday, September 5, 2010
WTH Was I Thinking
I'm in that awkward period between
Never Drinking Again and Noon.
Ugh. Heed my warning people... Stay away from Hypnotic. Holy shit. I was supposed to go to the beach today but it was all I could do to crawl to the pool.
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Yes, its electric blue |
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E.V.I.L |
Bloody Mary's are my friend right now. In fact I'm waiting for my cabana boy to bring me another.
Cheers to the hot mess that I am today.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Hey Sista Soul Sista
I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring me down
So don't you bring me down today
Christina Aguilera - Beautiful
Christina Aguilera - Not Myself Tonight (explicit)
Damn! Go get it Christina!
Hey sista's, soul sista's, better get that dough sista's
Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim, Mya, Pink - Lady Marmalade
One of my favorite movies EVERRRRRR. Moulin Rouge.
True Religion Is My New Religion
So yesterday (Friday) started out ok. It was Friday after all. We get bagels at work for breakfast (bonus!). I was getting out early because I put in for 3 hours of PTO months ago.
I knew I was not going to want to sit around the office on the Friday afternoon before Labor Day. Can you say torture?? Shit, regular non-holiday weekend Friday afternoons feel like after school detention.
So I took off at 1:30 and hung out with the sistah, Ginger. We went and ran some errands then stopped and had some yummy Chicago dogs at Hot Dog Heaven. So good!!
Ging dropped me off at home afterwards and my boss, Valerie picked me up around 3pm. We were going to do some retail therapy. I needed it. She needed it. We were doing it! I had 2 AMEX gift cards worth $150.00 burning a hole in my pocket. I won them at work this week for being awesome! lol Another reason to shop!!
So we hit Sawgrass Mills Outlet Mall. This place is ginormous. If you walk it from one end to the other and back again its like 5 miles. 5 miles of glorious Labor Day sales on top of Outlet prices. We are not stupid. We know how to shop. =)
We hit the usual stores Nordstrom Rack, J Crew, Gap, Vicky Secrets and more. Then we went to a new section of stores that had been built since the last time I was there (almost two years ago).
Its a group of high-end outlet stores. We were enjoying our stroll, looking in the windows of Coach, Burberry, Giorgio Armani, Theory, Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Juicy Couture and then my jaw hit the ground. There in front of me was the store of all stores for me right now......
You see I was in the mall today mainly to buy underwear. Yeah, glamorous but I need it! I need smaller ones since my fat ass has gotten smaller. So yeah, I got my undies and then I see this damn store.
Ginger has given me a bunch of her old jeans since we wear the same size now in most of them. I've gotten a pair of Lucky Jeans, a couple of American Eagles and even a pair of Seven's out of her. Awesomeness yes indeedy. But a girl likes to buy her own jeans! I've only brought one pair since I lost enough weight to make it worthwhile. It was a pair of Gap 1969's.
I wanted a pair of Gingers True Religions since she let me "just try them on", one day. They fit like a glove and look awesome if I dont say so myself. lol
Our typical conversation:
Me: Let me wear them tonight Ging, pleeeeeeeease!!
G: Your smokin' crack-rock again. No one wears my True Religions but me.
Me: But I'm not just anyone!! I'm your sister!! Your favorite sister!!
G: And because you're my favorite sister, I'd give you a kidney if you needed it but you're not wearing my True Religions.
Me: pffft. Meanie.
G: Tell you what. I'll leave them to you in my will.
Me: I'm leaving you my collection of Navel fluff.
I covet her jeans because they fit soooo well. Hot, hot, HAWT jeans people! But they have a not so hot price of $220.00 and up. Easily UP. Ging has always told me to only buy them online, on Ebay,, for no more than $79.00. Yeah Ginger, I'm going to pay $230 for jeans anytime soon.
Of course I say I'll look for them on Ebay. I just never get around to it. =(
So into my holy grail of jeans stores we go. I was just going to try on a couple of different styles so I know which ones to order when I finally get around to looking for them on Ebay. The lovely young lady working in the store proceeds to tell me they are having a big Labor Day sale. OH REALLY!!! Yep, any jeans marked down to $99 were also given a 20% discount. Oh my.
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! I am now the proud owner of a pair of True Religion jeans. I might sleep in them. Forever.
We left the mall after this little stop. I had bags from J Crew, The Gap, Hanes, Vicky Secrets and although I was bad, I was good really.
I left the True Religion store with $259.00 jeans for $79.99 and two True Religion t-shirts for $45.00. Said t-shirts full price total = $120.00. And just so you know, one of those t-shirts was for my beloved sister Ginger. lol =) I don't hold grudges. I might even let her wear my beautiful True Religions one day.
So my Labor Day weekend has started out really well. Tomorrow is a beachy morning and then a haircut and then a "Thank God Football Season is Here" party. Should be fun! Sunday and Monday will be beach days. Just how I like them!
Hope you all have a great time doing whatever you're doing too!
I knew I was not going to want to sit around the office on the Friday afternoon before Labor Day. Can you say torture?? Shit, regular non-holiday weekend Friday afternoons feel like after school detention.
So I took off at 1:30 and hung out with the sistah, Ginger. We went and ran some errands then stopped and had some yummy Chicago dogs at Hot Dog Heaven. So good!!
Ging dropped me off at home afterwards and my boss, Valerie picked me up around 3pm. We were going to do some retail therapy. I needed it. She needed it. We were doing it! I had 2 AMEX gift cards worth $150.00 burning a hole in my pocket. I won them at work this week for being awesome! lol Another reason to shop!!
So we hit Sawgrass Mills Outlet Mall. This place is ginormous. If you walk it from one end to the other and back again its like 5 miles. 5 miles of glorious Labor Day sales on top of Outlet prices. We are not stupid. We know how to shop. =)
We hit the usual stores Nordstrom Rack, J Crew, Gap, Vicky Secrets and more. Then we went to a new section of stores that had been built since the last time I was there (almost two years ago).
Its a group of high-end outlet stores. We were enjoying our stroll, looking in the windows of Coach, Burberry, Giorgio Armani, Theory, Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Juicy Couture and then my jaw hit the ground. There in front of me was the store of all stores for me right now......
You see I was in the mall today mainly to buy underwear. Yeah, glamorous but I need it! I need smaller ones since my fat ass has gotten smaller. So yeah, I got my undies and then I see this damn store.
Ginger has given me a bunch of her old jeans since we wear the same size now in most of them. I've gotten a pair of Lucky Jeans, a couple of American Eagles and even a pair of Seven's out of her. Awesomeness yes indeedy. But a girl likes to buy her own jeans! I've only brought one pair since I lost enough weight to make it worthwhile. It was a pair of Gap 1969's.
I wanted a pair of Gingers True Religions since she let me "just try them on", one day. They fit like a glove and look awesome if I dont say so myself. lol
Our typical conversation:
Me: Let me wear them tonight Ging, pleeeeeeeease!!
G: Your smokin' crack-rock again. No one wears my True Religions but me.
Me: But I'm not just anyone!! I'm your sister!! Your favorite sister!!
G: And because you're my favorite sister, I'd give you a kidney if you needed it but you're not wearing my True Religions.
Me: pffft. Meanie.
G: Tell you what. I'll leave them to you in my will.
Me: I'm leaving you my collection of Navel fluff.
I covet her jeans because they fit soooo well. Hot, hot, HAWT jeans people! But they have a not so hot price of $220.00 and up. Easily UP. Ging has always told me to only buy them online, on Ebay,, for no more than $79.00. Yeah Ginger, I'm going to pay $230 for jeans anytime soon.
Of course I say I'll look for them on Ebay. I just never get around to it. =(
So into my holy grail of jeans stores we go. I was just going to try on a couple of different styles so I know which ones to order when I finally get around to looking for them on Ebay. The lovely young lady working in the store proceeds to tell me they are having a big Labor Day sale. OH REALLY!!! Yep, any jeans marked down to $99 were also given a 20% discount. Oh my.
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! I am now the proud owner of a pair of True Religion jeans. I might sleep in them. Forever.
We left the mall after this little stop. I had bags from J Crew, The Gap, Hanes, Vicky Secrets and although I was bad, I was good really.
I left the True Religion store with $259.00 jeans for $79.99 and two True Religion t-shirts for $45.00. Said t-shirts full price total = $120.00. And just so you know, one of those t-shirts was for my beloved sister Ginger. lol =) I don't hold grudges. I might even let her wear my beautiful True Religions one day.
So my Labor Day weekend has started out really well. Tomorrow is a beachy morning and then a haircut and then a "Thank God Football Season is Here" party. Should be fun! Sunday and Monday will be beach days. Just how I like them!
Hope you all have a great time doing whatever you're doing too!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Hetero vs Homo
Got your attention with that title didn't I?? Good then you need to read, learn and give a shit.
The first part is from a blog I used to read. It has nothing to do with the issue at hand. BUT its just another form of discrimination in my opinion. This letter has a value all its own.
The second part at the bottom is some screwed up shit thats happening right here in the land of the free home of the brave.
She's a Navy wife and writer. I pulled this long ago to post in a note on Facebook when I first found it. I'm so sorry I can't find her blog anymore so I can't link her. Her name is at the end so she is getting credit.
In my opinion she's right. And when I first started reading this I was like, "OMG!! BITCH!!.
Then I read further...
Nobody Asked Me has asked that we mess with this fucked up asshole.
Here is a link to the whole story about how some Conservative Assclown is doing some assholery right now in Louisianna to a gay man.
Link it up if you will. Lets help. If he were refusing service to a mentally challenged person I'm sure everyone in the country would be upset and screaming to the press.
The first part is from a blog I used to read. It has nothing to do with the issue at hand. BUT its just another form of discrimination in my opinion. This letter has a value all its own.
The second part at the bottom is some screwed up shit thats happening right here in the land of the free home of the brave.
She's a Navy wife and writer. I pulled this long ago to post in a note on Facebook when I first found it. I'm so sorry I can't find her blog anymore so I can't link her. Her name is at the end so she is getting credit.
In my opinion she's right. And when I first started reading this I was like, "OMG!! BITCH!!.
Then I read further...
My Unpopular Opinion About Gay Marriage.
I finally have to come out (so to speak) and state what will likely be an unpopular opinion about the controversial topic of gay marriage. This is me cleaning out my inbox in preparation for the onslaught of hate mail. This is me taking a deep breath.
And this is me saying that NO, I do NOT believe that gays and straights should have equal rights when it comes to marriage.
There. I said it.
Now cool your jets and let me explain myself.
I believe in the sanctity of marriage. I believe marriage is an institution in which two people commit to love one another until death do they part. It is a tradition that runs deep in our culture, and I believe it should be taken seriously, not mocked by people who just can’t seem to grasp what it’s all about. It should represent a lifelong commitment, a solid bond. Marriage is not a platform to further one’s agenda or make a political point. A marriage creates a family, which should have values. You know…family values.
I think the answer is absolutely crystal clear: The heterosexual community must have its marriage rights revoked immediately.
We have clearly demonstrated that we are not capable of doing justice to such a sacred institution. We have shown an utter lack of respect for the marital union. Adultery is rampant; it’s even glorified by the media. Revolving-door marriages, single-parent households, “blended” families, and the like are becoming so common that it is almost shocking to learn that a couple has remained married past five years. Ten years is a marital marathon. Making it to fifteen years is a feat comparable to winning the Tour de France on a unicycle with a flat tire.
I will now present to you my twenty-five year plan for repairing the abysmal state of marriage in the United States:
For the next twenty-five years, heterosexuals will not be granted marriage licenses. All existing marriage licenses will be revoked and the marriages legally dissolved. Henceforth, heterosexual couples will be subject to denial of dependent status (including health insurance), fertility treatments, adoption, deceased partners’ pensions, the ability to make medical decisions for an injured or ill partner, and access to a dying partner’s bedside. At most, in some obnoxiously liberal rogue states, they may be permitted to have “civil unions”, in which they will grudgingly receive some of the benefits of marriage. If you’re that hellbent on getting married, Canada’s border is still open…but don’t expect your marriage to be recognized when you get back to the States.
Meanwhile, homosexuals will hereby be granted complete access to all benefits of marriage. They have clearly demonstrated their desire for it, and those who want it, may now have it. The homosexual community has twenty-five years to show that they can get it right.
Heterosexuals who wish to enjoy the benefits of marriage are more than welcome to marry someone of their own gender.
In twenty-five years, we will review. If the gay community has shown that they have marriage under control, they will continue to receive those rights.
If the heterosexual community apologizes to the gay community for denial of those rights, and apologizes to everyone for screwing marriage up so badly in the first place, then marital rights will be restored. Exceptions: Celebrities, philandering evangelists, and politicians. They will be required to wait an additional twenty-five years.
In conclusion, all of this discussion about gay marriage screwing up the “sanctity of marriage” are hypocritical and utterly ridiculous in light of the bang-up job straights have done in terms of preserving said sanctity. Think about it.
- Lori Witt, September 12, 2008
Nobody Asked Me has asked that we mess with this fucked up asshole.
Here is a link to the whole story about how some Conservative Assclown is doing some assholery right now in Louisianna to a gay man.
Link it up if you will. Lets help. If he were refusing service to a mentally challenged person I'm sure everyone in the country would be upset and screaming to the press.
Southern Style Granite
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