Remi is the first dog that I ever brought for myself. All mine. Yeah, I shared him with Lauren, but she was in college already when I got him and now in the Navy so she doesnt see him all that much. Plus he was a puppy and teenagers/young adults are annoyed by puppies that arent little and cute but leggy and annoying and eat your sandals and anything you leave laying around.

I've wanted to use the name Remington (nickname Remi) for a dog since I was little. Problem was, no one else in my family liked it so it always got passed up when we got new dogs.

I love this boy. So much.
The last two pics are from this weekend...Thanks Steven.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. How's he doing? Did you figure out what was going on with the seizure this weekend?
What a sweet boy. :)
Nah, its prolly the epilepsy. He had a minor one this morning, not nearly as bad as this weekend. IDK. I'll be watchin him closely.
He is sweet Steph, you'd love him. Sooo snuggly.
Such a good boy!
I feel the same way about my black lab Salem. She IS absolutely the love of my life. I have never been so crazy about a dog before. He is handsome! I can't imagine how hard it is to see him have epilepsy. :-(
I saw Salems pic on your page Angelia. She's dreamy! =) Its stoopid how much I adore this dog. I Love Jake, he's special in his own way. But there is something about Remi. Plus he loves me like a fat kid loves cake!! He NEVER leaves my side. lol
So cute...so cute...so cute...MAKES ME MELT! Those eyes!!!!
Reminds me of our little Lexi...they are THE BEST DOGS EVER.
You said it Jessica, Best.Dogs.Everrrrrrrrrr!
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