I've been a Nascar fan since I was young, introduced to the sport by my father who is a racer in his own right. He raced hydroplanes for years and was sponsored by Purolator but thats a story for another day. I've been to a Nascar race and I loved it.

I ordered paddock/pit passes so we can go see all the cars up close and hobnob with the racers a bit. Hopefully I can get close enough for a pic with Danica. =)
This ones for all the boys, oops I mean Men who read my blog. Proof that a Beauty can beat the Beasts.

you haven't REALLY done it 'til you're at the Brickyard in May dancing on top of a stranger's motor home with strippers. Or so I've heard, anyway.
HA!! You've done it havent you!!! lol
I'd like to do the Brickyard but its not in the budget this century. Maybe next! lol
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