As I sit here NOT packing I realized its Star Wars weekends at Disneys MGM Studios. (Its got a new name, but I'll always call it that.) I'm sad, I need a Disney fix really bad. I just don't know how to do it without my kid. Sure, I could get there, stay on property, go to all the parks....but I don't know how to do it without her. Over 100 (prolly close to 150) trips to Disney, ALWAYS with her. Its like eating McDonalds french fries without ketchup, going to the bathroom and not wiping, living without breathing. ugh. Somethings gotta give. I'm gonna go pack some more.
After my kids vacated my premises I took a solitary trip to Disney myself! It was always just my girls and I! I had a time-share condo in Kissimee and a whole week to carouse with no one needing me... I cried the moment I stepped off the plane until I called my Dad hysterical! He told me to go to the market, get some yogurt, some fresh fruit and a bottle of white wine, settle in at the condo, watch some tv and in the morning I should get to Disney before the crowds... I did this and I ended up having a great time, lonely for the girls but having myself a great time!! And the start of my own life as a single Mom whose nest was empty! I love it now, so keep your chin up and take small baby steps! (Oh it also helped to go skydiving a few times! now I am invincible!)
Baby steps. Thanks for the encouragement =). I have a goal....the Food & Wine Festival in October at Epcot. I'm gonna book 3 nights and make a go of it. I'll just drink my way around the World at Epcot if it gets too sad. lol And I'll leave the sky diving to you oh brave empty nester!! :0
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