I've followed this sailors story for the past year. David is a Sailor in the US Navy and he had a problem with his heart about a year ago. It required him to need a heart transplant which he received earlier this year. All was going well and the blog just about shut down. I still check in just to see if any news is posted.
I was in shock when I checked today and found that David had passed away last Saturday, Dec 26th. He fought a courageous battle and just couldnt survive the trauma in the end.
RIP David Allen Kennedy.
Fair winds and following seas Sailor.
Our Boy Dave blog.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!
Four of the seven siblings will be together for the next week. Steven, Debbie, Ginger and I. This hasn't happened in a long time. Lets hope there are no wars as these can happen when you put so many of us together at once lol.
Lauren has been home for a week already. Time is flying by and I want it to take a xanax and relax!! SLOW down!!! I'm savoring each moment I promise you.
She's a joy. The Navy has gently pushed her into adulthood. Its really nice to see the subtle changes. She has the patience of a saint compared to a year ago when it was at the level of a gnat. She's taking her service very seriously and it does make my family so proud of the pride she shows in herself and her country.
She's a very good sailor and is very squared away. I hope her superiors see this and acknowledge it once in awhile. A little praise will go a long way with her. This I know!
She's a very good sailor and is very squared away. I hope her superiors see this and acknowledge it once in awhile. A little praise will go a long way with her. This I know!
I'll be checking in but prolly not bloggin. I've got a ton to do and I want to spend quality time with the peeps I love.
Please, please, please have a Safe and Happy Christmas with your families. Time is flying by and dont assume you have a million tomorrows. Tell them you love them now. Christmas and the holidays are the perfect time to do it if your not one to say it often.
Be well my friends. Merry Christmas! Muah!!!

click pic to enlarge and read. =)
calvin and hobbes,
santa claus,
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
We need a win
EDIT: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! How 'Bout Them Cowboys!!! Hell yeah, knocked the S'aints off!
My boys, THE Dallas Cowboys need a win Saturday night. It might just save our season, and it'll knock the s'AINTS off that pedestal.
Not to mention, a win in December would be nice. And unique at this point.
Now this is a TV and it makes my 65incher look like a pimple on the ass of HD.

60 yards wide. HolyshitballsBatman!
My boys, THE Dallas Cowboys need a win Saturday night. It might just save our season, and it'll knock the s'AINTS off that pedestal.
Not to mention, a win in December would be nice. And unique at this point.
Now this is a TV and it makes my 65incher look like a pimple on the ass of HD.

60 yards wide. HolyshitballsBatman!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The sun will come out tomorrow.
The sun'll come out tomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
there'll be sun!
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
there'll be sun!

Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
I love ya tomorrow!
You're only a day away!
I love ya tomorrow!
You're only a day away!
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Boys, The Mall & Santa Claus
Wow. Im exhausted. And it was all for the pleasure of taking two incorrigiable dogs to the mall to see Santa so I could get pics of them with him for the world to see. I survived but not without a few close calls.
First of all it wasnt even "get your pets picture taken with Santa" day. I called the mall the other day to find out when they were doing it and was mortified to learn I'd missed the day. I begged and pleaded with the young lady and she tried her darndest to dissuade me but my begging was sooooo good she finally said, "Ok, bring them in on Monday evening at 7:30 when its not so busy". I was all like, "I Win!!". =)
This morning I awoke with a smile, NOT because it was Monday morning and I had to go to work, oh noooooo, it was because in T-minus 2 days my Sailors coming home AND I was taking the boys to the mall tonight for pics with Santa. Smiles all around!!
At exactly 7:10 my neighbor with his pocket sized chihuaha Gracie, me and the boys climb into his Mercedes (!) and start our 5 minute journey to the mall. I warned him of the inevitable dog hairs that he'd find for the next 15 vacuumings and the nose print smeared up back windows that were going to occur. I didnt even want to think about what the claws were gonna do to the leather apholstry. ugh. Pretty uneventful ride. Hmmm, I'm thinking maybe the boys are tired and will be good for this little adventure into the mall.
NOT. They know somethings up. I know they're thinking as we pull up to the mall..."whats THIS place?", "It doesnt look like the pinchy ladys place (vet)", "Wow, why are there so many cars?". "Lets drag her alll over when we get out of the car!" "Ok, You go that way and I'll go this way, then circle around her and we'll take her down and take off!!"
We parked in the garage right next to the entrance, right next to the escalators that we need to go up to get to Santa. Alls going as planned. They only dragged me to just inside the doors, then the blessed HIGHLY waxed floors, read: No Traction! became my friend. YES!! They still managed to twist me up a bit, but I was winning. We walked right up to the escalators and Jake was all into it until he looked up and saw the stairs were moving. Nope, not doing that. Breaks!!! Beeep, beeep, beeep. Back her up, not doing that mom. Remi tends to do whatever his brother does. Nope, if he's not doing it neither am I.
Houston, we have a problem. I've got 120+ lbs of dog that I need to get upstairs. NO elevator anywhere in sight. Nice. Ok, lets try this again. I decide to just walk/drag Jake onto the escalator and Remi will follow. After all I am the human. I am the master. I start the walk and Jake is no dummy. He's not one to be fooled by me, who is after all a stupid human. He brakes, I'm dragging, he's applying more breaks!! Almost there, alllllmoooooost...why arent we moving?? Oh, I'm being dragged backwards by Jakes first mate, Remi.
Had they shown a divided front, I would have won, but no. Together they stood and alone I failed. There had to be a different way.
My brother had come along to take some extra pics with his professional D5000gazillion camera so he firmly took Jake from me and proceeded to walk/drag him onto the escalator. Jake was nervous, not quite understanding the moving stairs but went along because he had no choice. Now I'm left with the first mate and he's looking at me like, "Nope, aint happening". I decide to try the same tactic my brother used and begin to walk/drag Remi towards those evil moving stairs. Remi gets the wide eyed deer in the headlights look and is breaking hard, pulling backwards and he just about got the collar off. This isnt working. We squared off and I decide to go with plan B. I picked his heavy ass up and carried him onto the escalator.
Wow. I told you I was tired. We havent even seen Santa yet!
Once upstairs we proceeded to Santas castle amidst the oohs and aahs of other shoppers. Children stared, adults looked worried. I forget how big these guys are and they can be intimidating. Especially when they look like they are dragging me, ever closer towards them to eat their children.
Santa was awesome! My friend and his dog had their pics done first. The boys stayed busy, smelling all the new smells and trying to get to people that strayed to close to us. Some brave people wanted to pet the "aaaaaawwwwww cute puppies". They dont understand that this just makes them more crazed.
Finally!! Its our turn! The boys were to sit on the ground, one on each side of Santa, look smartly at the camera and smile. STOP Laughing. I had a plan. I brought cookies!! Cookies will make these boys do Anything! And the cookies worked. =) I must say, Remi was much better behaved than his older, wiser brother. Jake just couldnt seem to comprehend that he needed to stay seated and not climb on Santa. Santa was so cool though. He really liked them and said they did well.
The picture up in the header area is the one that they took there. I brought it because they were nice enough to let me bring the boys on a non-designated pet night and they were very patient. My brother took the following pics which give you an idea of the squirming around that was going on.
The behind the scenes shot...thats me with the cookie...

It really was comical and a small crowd gathered to watch the show.

The goal is simple. Both dogs sitting, both dogs looking at the camera. Eyes open, tongues in. Yeah, thats simple. lol

Exiting the mall was accomplished the same way entering was; Jake being dragged down the escalators by my brother and I carried Remi's butt. They were pretty much exhausted on the ride home and actually laid down most of the way. When they got home, they each drank 2 gallons of water and passed out on my bed. Wow. Poor things, such a big adventure that wiped them out. lol
I'm wiped out as well. But I'd do it again. In a heartbeat.
Merry Christmas from Jake & Remi!
First of all it wasnt even "get your pets picture taken with Santa" day. I called the mall the other day to find out when they were doing it and was mortified to learn I'd missed the day. I begged and pleaded with the young lady and she tried her darndest to dissuade me but my begging was sooooo good she finally said, "Ok, bring them in on Monday evening at 7:30 when its not so busy". I was all like, "I Win!!". =)
This morning I awoke with a smile, NOT because it was Monday morning and I had to go to work, oh noooooo, it was because in T-minus 2 days my Sailors coming home AND I was taking the boys to the mall tonight for pics with Santa. Smiles all around!!
At exactly 7:10 my neighbor with his pocket sized chihuaha Gracie, me and the boys climb into his Mercedes (!) and start our 5 minute journey to the mall. I warned him of the inevitable dog hairs that he'd find for the next 15 vacuumings and the nose print smeared up back windows that were going to occur. I didnt even want to think about what the claws were gonna do to the leather apholstry. ugh. Pretty uneventful ride. Hmmm, I'm thinking maybe the boys are tired and will be good for this little adventure into the mall.
NOT. They know somethings up. I know they're thinking as we pull up to the mall..."whats THIS place?", "It doesnt look like the pinchy ladys place (vet)", "Wow, why are there so many cars?". "Lets drag her alll over when we get out of the car!" "Ok, You go that way and I'll go this way, then circle around her and we'll take her down and take off!!"
We parked in the garage right next to the entrance, right next to the escalators that we need to go up to get to Santa. Alls going as planned. They only dragged me to just inside the doors, then the blessed HIGHLY waxed floors, read: No Traction! became my friend. YES!! They still managed to twist me up a bit, but I was winning. We walked right up to the escalators and Jake was all into it until he looked up and saw the stairs were moving. Nope, not doing that. Breaks!!! Beeep, beeep, beeep. Back her up, not doing that mom. Remi tends to do whatever his brother does. Nope, if he's not doing it neither am I.
Houston, we have a problem. I've got 120+ lbs of dog that I need to get upstairs. NO elevator anywhere in sight. Nice. Ok, lets try this again. I decide to just walk/drag Jake onto the escalator and Remi will follow. After all I am the human. I am the master. I start the walk and Jake is no dummy. He's not one to be fooled by me, who is after all a stupid human. He brakes, I'm dragging, he's applying more breaks!! Almost there, alllllmoooooost...why arent we moving?? Oh, I'm being dragged backwards by Jakes first mate, Remi.
Had they shown a divided front, I would have won, but no. Together they stood and alone I failed. There had to be a different way.
My brother had come along to take some extra pics with his professional D5000gazillion camera so he firmly took Jake from me and proceeded to walk/drag him onto the escalator. Jake was nervous, not quite understanding the moving stairs but went along because he had no choice. Now I'm left with the first mate and he's looking at me like, "Nope, aint happening". I decide to try the same tactic my brother used and begin to walk/drag Remi towards those evil moving stairs. Remi gets the wide eyed deer in the headlights look and is breaking hard, pulling backwards and he just about got the collar off. This isnt working. We squared off and I decide to go with plan B. I picked his heavy ass up and carried him onto the escalator.
Wow. I told you I was tired. We havent even seen Santa yet!
Once upstairs we proceeded to Santas castle amidst the oohs and aahs of other shoppers. Children stared, adults looked worried. I forget how big these guys are and they can be intimidating. Especially when they look like they are dragging me, ever closer towards them to eat their children.
Santa was awesome! My friend and his dog had their pics done first. The boys stayed busy, smelling all the new smells and trying to get to people that strayed to close to us. Some brave people wanted to pet the "aaaaaawwwwww cute puppies". They dont understand that this just makes them more crazed.
Finally!! Its our turn! The boys were to sit on the ground, one on each side of Santa, look smartly at the camera and smile. STOP Laughing. I had a plan. I brought cookies!! Cookies will make these boys do Anything! And the cookies worked. =) I must say, Remi was much better behaved than his older, wiser brother. Jake just couldnt seem to comprehend that he needed to stay seated and not climb on Santa. Santa was so cool though. He really liked them and said they did well.
The picture up in the header area is the one that they took there. I brought it because they were nice enough to let me bring the boys on a non-designated pet night and they were very patient. My brother took the following pics which give you an idea of the squirming around that was going on.
The behind the scenes shot...thats me with the cookie...
It really was comical and a small crowd gathered to watch the show.
The goal is simple. Both dogs sitting, both dogs looking at the camera. Eyes open, tongues in. Yeah, thats simple. lol
Exiting the mall was accomplished the same way entering was; Jake being dragged down the escalators by my brother and I carried Remi's butt. They were pretty much exhausted on the ride home and actually laid down most of the way. When they got home, they each drank 2 gallons of water and passed out on my bed. Wow. Poor things, such a big adventure that wiped them out. lol
I'm wiped out as well. But I'd do it again. In a heartbeat.
Merry Christmas from Jake & Remi!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Go Navy!!

Stand Navy down the field, sails set to the sky.
We'll never change our course, so Army you steer shy-y-y-y.
Roll up the score, Navy, Anchors Aweigh.
Sail Navy down the field and sink the Army, sink the Army Grey.
Get underway, Navy, decks cleared for the fray,
We'll hoist true Navy Blue o Army down your Grey-y-y-y.
Full speed ahead, Navy; Army heave to,
Furl Black and Grey and Gold and hoist the Navy, hoist the Navy
Blue of the Seven Seas; gold of God's great sun
Let these our colors be till all of time be done-n-n-ne,
By Severn shore we learn Navy's stern call:
Faith, courage, service true, with honor over, honor over all.

Abhor doesn't convey how I really feel
I went and brought a wireless router. I would have done that OVER a month ago, but I was told over and over that I had to have a COMCAST wireless router or no workie. Someone had told me this week that Comcast was full of shit...they just wanted you to pay $4.95 for their router every month....ANY wireless router will work. Well guess what?? $34.95 later I'm the proud owner of a wireless router and I'm on my laptop, online, at home right this very fucking moment!!
Let me state this here.......The only way I would keep Comcast after AT&T Uverse comes to my neighborhood is, ummmm, hmmmm, let me see, nada. The answer is Nothing. Nothing short of giving me completely free service for the duration of my "sentence" with them. Then I wouldnt mind the fuck ups so much since it was free. I could endure asshole customer service reps, inefficient, idiotic techs that come to your house and a screwed up billing statement every month. Wait, I wouldnt get a statement cause its free.
I hate Comcast. Plain and simple. Never again. And soon you'll be gone. AT&T have been putting the lines in on my block for the last couple of weeks. Blessed. There might be a cable god somewhere.
Let me state this here.......The only way I would keep Comcast after AT&T Uverse comes to my neighborhood is, ummmm, hmmmm, let me see, nada. The answer is Nothing. Nothing short of giving me completely free service for the duration of my "sentence" with them. Then I wouldnt mind the fuck ups so much since it was free. I could endure asshole customer service reps, inefficient, idiotic techs that come to your house and a screwed up billing statement every month. Wait, I wouldnt get a statement cause its free.
I hate Comcast. Plain and simple. Never again. And soon you'll be gone. AT&T have been putting the lines in on my block for the last couple of weeks. Blessed. There might be a cable god somewhere.
Friday, December 11, 2009
This song makes me all smiley. It might sound familiar to you if you've seen the new Droid commercials (phone).
The munchkins made an appearance as well it seems. =) Give it a chance, listen all the way through, you may just like it. Catchy beat and all.
Happy Friday All!!
The munchkins made an appearance as well it seems. =) Give it a chance, listen all the way through, you may just like it. Catchy beat and all.
Happy Friday All!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
In other news.......
EDIT: ok Melissa at Comcast who commented, if you really are who you say you are email me at the address on the right side of the page. I called to check on my wireless router that should be HERE TODAY and the lovely (read: nasty) girl at your costomer service center tells me there is not even an order in the system for said router. OMFG! I'm just about ready to get rid of the whole kit and kaboodle. How do you even stay in business?? Why do you even pay costomer service reps?? I was warned. Show me As the idiot for trying Comcast.
Dont have a whole lot to say except.....
I'm going to blow up Comcast if I dont get my wireless router soon!!! (just kidding if you read this Comcast - its an empty threat but gives you an idea of how pissed off you make me)
And I missed Jim Morrisons Birthday yesterday so:
Its always around this time of year (his birthday) that I think of how cool would it be if he was still alive. I really wish he'd lived cause I'd definately go see his show in Branson at the "The Robbie Krieger Theatre". Can you imagine?? The Lizard King performing a lounge act?? Makes me lol. He'd have been 66 yesterday. wow.
Seven days till mah bebe comes home. It will be the best Christmas present I get. No lie.
And last but not least....I've officially hit the middle forties today. 44. I cant say early forties any more cause I consider 40/41/42/43 early, 44, 45, 46 mid and 47 and up just plain old. Ooof. Just plain old is right around the corner. yuk. On a more promising note, they say the 40's are the new 20's! If thats the case, I'm only 3 years older than my kid! =)
Oh I do have a P.S.
Happy Birthday Capt. Schmoe!!! muah!
and Donny Osmond. teehee!
Dont have a whole lot to say except.....
I'm going to blow up Comcast if I dont get my wireless router soon!!! (just kidding if you read this Comcast - its an empty threat but gives you an idea of how pissed off you make me)
And I missed Jim Morrisons Birthday yesterday so:
Its always around this time of year (his birthday) that I think of how cool would it be if he was still alive. I really wish he'd lived cause I'd definately go see his show in Branson at the "The Robbie Krieger Theatre". Can you imagine?? The Lizard King performing a lounge act?? Makes me lol. He'd have been 66 yesterday. wow.
Seven days till mah bebe comes home. It will be the best Christmas present I get. No lie.
And last but not least....I've officially hit the middle forties today. 44. I cant say early forties any more cause I consider 40/41/42/43 early, 44, 45, 46 mid and 47 and up just plain old. Ooof. Just plain old is right around the corner. yuk. On a more promising note, they say the 40's are the new 20's! If thats the case, I'm only 3 years older than my kid! =)
Oh I do have a P.S.
Happy Birthday Capt. Schmoe!!! muah!
and Donny Osmond. teehee!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The Cuteness Will Be Blinding!
These two slay me. I love them with all my heart!
I took these two pics on my iPhone this weekend. Snugglin brothers who love each other. And they told me I shouldnt get another male when I was looking to get Remi as they may not get along. pfft.

My brother Steven took these pics this weekend.
Lookit our Jakey all handsome! He's gonna be 9 this April. I think he looks fabu!

And Agile!!

Wonder what he sees...

This is right before the chase....

Mah baby boy Roo

Thanks for lookin at my pups. And because I dont think I've ever said this before let me say it now, I appreciate all the comments that are left. It definately brightens my day. =)
I took these two pics on my iPhone this weekend. Snugglin brothers who love each other. And they told me I shouldnt get another male when I was looking to get Remi as they may not get along. pfft.

My brother Steven took these pics this weekend.
Lookit our Jakey all handsome! He's gonna be 9 this April. I think he looks fabu!

And Agile!!

Wonder what he sees...

This is right before the chase....

Mah baby boy Roo

Thanks for lookin at my pups. And because I dont think I've ever said this before let me say it now, I appreciate all the comments that are left. It definately brightens my day. =)
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